Why I Love New Seasons

We are in a new season. I love new seasons, just like the change between the darkness of winter to the freshness of spring. New seasons in life bring an opportunity to evaluate, make changes, and start fresh.

A few months ago, Pete and I decided we needed a break in our everyday routine to have time to think and pray and be together. This break means we’re not taking seminary classes this semester. It also means I’ve transitioned out of my job as a writer and social media coordinator with World Gospel Mission, giving me time to attend to necessary tasks at home and take the kids to various appointments through the week. I’ve signed off of my social media accounts until late June, and we’ve all reduced our screen time through the week. This is all in order to make more room for each other and and for God.

At the same time, we’re very excited to have added one more to our family for the next year. Nathaly arrived from Colombia one week ago and will be living with us for twelve months. She has come as an au pair – a nanny – as part of a cultural exchange program. I am so happy to have her to help with the kids while Pete is away working, to share her Colombian culture and Spanish language with us, and to become a part of our family. Ella has completely enjoyed playing games and cooking with Nathy this week and teaching her about life in Minnesota. We know what it feels like to move to a new culture, so we’re trying to give her time to adjust and ask questions without completely overwhelming her in her first week in the U.S. I think we’re doing okay so far! This weekend, Ella and I are going to take her to Target. A truly American experience. 🙂

Nathy brought Colombia soccer shirts for the kids!

I’m really looking forward to all that is to come in the next five months as we slow down, step back, and focus on our family a bit more. We know God has plans ahead for our family, and I know He has things specifically for me. I don’t want to miss His leading. Slowing and letting Him have more space in our lives feels right for this new season.

For anyone curious about the au pair process and our journey to match with Nathy, feel free to leave questions in the comments. The organization we’re using is Cultural Care. We’ve been very happy with the whole process!


3 Responses to Why I Love New Seasons

  1. katie says:

    Wow! What a great experience for everyone involved!

  2. Mackenzie Deel says:

    Hi Angie! Bummed I missed seeing you at Perkins when we were up in Duluth last time. If we make it up there during summer break ill be sure to send a message to get the kids together at the park or for lunch! Hope all is well w/ you.

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