Sammy Turns Six!

Can you believe this kid is SIX?! It’s true! One May 24, we celebrated with balloons and treats, and then we had a big birthday party the following weekend with our missionary family. If you know Sam, you know his very favorite food in all the world (and he’s been around the world!) is ice cream. With his current love of the Toy Story movies, particularly of Buzz and Woody, we tied the two together and had a big Toy Story Ice Cream Party!

Sam was excited to blow out the candle as Nate held it for him…

But we didn’t quite catch him in time before he grabbed the candle and took a big ol’ bite out of it.

Hence the overdramatic spitting in the dirt!

As always, Ella was on tattoo duty. I think we’ve had temporary tats at every birthday party since Ella turned three.

Some very happy customers! (Though, now that I think about it, we may have failed to ask parental permission before applying these creatively-placed tattoos. Face and neck? Good thing they’re temporary!)

This little one may not have gotten a stylish tattoo, but she did enjoy some of the birthday treats!

Not a clear photo, but I love it because of his smile lines around his eyes and through his cheeks. He was looking out at all his friends who came for the party. Pure joy.


Sometimes I’m surprised when I realize how similar these two look in photos. Caught them at similar angles and just realized it at this moment. Man, I love these two.

I know I have a picture exactly like this one when Ella had an ice cream party just weeks after Sam was born. I was a little disappointed I couldn’t provide an official ice-cream-scooper hat for him this time around!


I’ve learned that the combination of a printer and laminator here can do almost as much as visiting Michael’s for party supplies. And it’s all practically free!

I helped Ella put together this bunting the morning of the party. For real, she did almost all of it on her own and loved it! My little party planner in the making.

We tend to save the best treats around here for super special occasions, which is why we were able to serve Sweet Tart jelly beans, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and crushed grahams for toppings. They totally made the party!

Pete bought what definitely could have been all the ice cream in town. For real. Only two places sell ice cream in Bomet, and he bought all of it at one of the stores.

I asked a visiting doctor from the States to bring an Amazon package of Toy Story stickers and tattoos for the party. We don’t generally have all these tats sitting around. But don’t get me wrong…we do always have at least a couple.

Was Sam wearing a Pizza Planet shirt for the party? Absolutely! I found the shirt a good while ago back in Minnesota. He wears it a lot, and it always makes us happy when someone realizes it’s from Toy Story.

All in all, it was a pretty fantastic birthday party with lots of super fun friends. We’re ready to see all God has in store for our Sammy boy in the year to come!


4 Responses to Sammy Turns Six!

  1. Sherry says:

    What a great party! Happy Birthday Sam!!!

  2. Mick Scott says:

    Looking forward to having the Super-Sam back in Minnesota! It will be our gain, if only for a while!! See you soon!

  3. pam allen says:

    hi Angela, you don’t really know me but I met Pete when he was a CALS instructor. I am thoroughly enjoying your memoirs and think you are doing an amazing job teaching your kids and letting them experience new cultures ! You and Pete are such an inspiration in so many ways.Keep up the great work and continue to spread the love! pam

  4. Sandy Cavallin says:

    Happy Birthday Sam! What a great way to celebrate!
    Looks like loads of fun 😃

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