Daddy’s Home!

Four weeks ago, we made the tough decision that it would be best for Pete to settle in at his hospital until we knew more about what was going on with COVID-19. Things were happening so quickly around the country, and Pete was needing to focus full-time on his role as VP of Medical Affairs. He’s been leading a lot of the planning, which has included tons of meetings, in-person and online. It hasn’t been easy for any of us to have him away, but we know this is the best thing we can do right now for the health and safety of the community where he works.

Two days ago, I was talking to Pete when we both realized this would be a great time for him to come home for the weekend. I didn’t say anything to the kids. How on earth would Ella focus on school work if she knew she’d get to see Daddy! (check out the videos of their reactions!)

There were lots of emotions for all of us!

Pete will be home for the weekend and then head back to work. We don’t know how long he’ll be away, but we completely trust God will guide us, as He always had. We’re just so happy to have Daddy home!


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