Good heavens! I got so caught up in posting all the incredible stories in September for Down Syndrome Awareness Month that I forgot to post the photos from the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk! I will not let another moment pass without sharing these photos.
We woke in our St Paul hotel to Superman getting a very important call. It was time for the walk! Hurry, Superman! Hurry!
So we headed to Como Park and joined thousands of people to celebrate those we love who have a very special extra chromosome. Our friend Kim even made cupcakes!
Ella adores pony rides. We were set up pretty close to them this year, so she was able to ride over and over and over. I lost track of how many rides she took. Little superhero on a pony. Perfection.
Sam made a new friend! I’ve been waiting three years for this little meet-up. Just a few weeks before Sam was born, my college theatre friend, Jen, welcomed Holden, who also happens to have Down syndrome. Two little Minnesota boys. Aren’t they just too cute together?!
We dressed like superheroes again this year, which is always great fun.
This year Sam matched Daddy!
We had lots of friends join us, which makes the day even more special. And that quilt in the middle? It was made by Sammy’s runner! Of course we had to have it at the walk with us.
Sammy had a little chat session with his fellow superheroes. (I think this group makes appearances as lots of events for kids.)
After cupcakes and hotdogs and pony rides, it was time for the walk! Sam loved the live band at the start.
Ella did, too, especially since they let her play their drum.
By the end of the two mile walk, Sam was ready for a nap. What a day it had been!
We were thrilled to be able to join everyone again this year for the Step Up for Down Syndrome Walk in St Paul. Next year, we may or may not still be in the States, so this might be our last one for a little while. But what a day it turned out to be! We really do love this big, awesome community!
Last week I said I might do it, and I did… I cut my hair! It was in great need of more than just a simple trim, which is all I’ve been doing the last few years. It was nice to grow it out, but it’s so lovely to be able to style it again after cutting off a little more than six inches. I’m getting used to the time it takes to do more than the side braid, but I’ve been playing a little worship music while curling it and trying to slow my morning a bit. There are so many things I can do to my hair again!

Will you be here for next year’s Buddy Walk??
I think we will! And there just might be a walk in Duluth again!