April Photos

This month I’ve been working through all Sammy’s afternoon nap times writing emails and letters and thank yous as we continue raising support and preparing for Kenya. Because of that, the blog has been a bit quiet. Here’s a quick catch up of photos from April, though!

Daddy & Sammy love their time together.


Is it April in Duluth without a bit of snow? Sam insisted on eating scoops of it, even as I pulled pieces of grass from his lips.


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Ella read 10 books and earned a free little pizza! Just like Book It when I was in elementary school. Who else remembers Book It from Pizza Hut?!


So proud of our new reader!


Pretty sure our Sammy baby could not possibly have any more personality. He’s hilarious!


Daredevil Ella took a bold leap off the top step in front of the house and gave her knuckles a solid scrape.


Ella is not only reading, she’s also writing her own stories! This was her first proper story written at home. If you know Ella, you know she adores skunks. So of course her first story was about said creature. We later corrected her spelling of skunk, not sknuk.


Her illustration.


We went in to pick up Sam’s new ankle supports but were surprised to see they were covered in daisies instead of dinosaurs! Turned into a wonderful opportunity for a possible connection with a local clinic and the special needs clinic we’ll be working with in Kenya, though. I love seeing how God works like that!


The beautiful satchel Ella made at school.


Ella turned this box into a car weeks ago, and it’s been the most popular toy in our house! I caught a photo of Sam sitting in it while Ella was at school. Had she been home, she would have been seated right next to him.


We made two trips to visit Pete during a string of shifts in southwest Minnesota. One was during spring break and the other just this past weekend as a surprise for Daddy. Photos will be coming soon!




2 Responses to April Photos

  1. Beth says:

    I think my daughter had the same type of ankle supports. It looks like a fun month.

    • Thank you, Beth! It was a really fun month! We’re planning to go down one time this month before he’s finished at that location. And the ankle supports are fantastic. They made such a difference for Sam!

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