It’s true that we’ve moved, but this time it’s quite temporary. We are spending the month of July in the small Minnesota town of Aitkin. Pete has been placed here for his month-long rotation in rural medicine. It’s the perfect time of year to be near the lakes since the weather has finally turned hot and humid. And we’re only 45 minutes away from my parents! We hope to spend lots of time with them over the next few weeks.
While in Aitkin, we’re staying an a beautiful English-inspired home with a dear couple, Frank & Sally. Ella has started calling them Nana & Papa, just like her own grandparents. The couple moved here from England six years ago and brought everything in the house from the other side of the pond. The home is about six miles outside of town right on a bend of the Mississippi River. Ella is in love with the sprawling back yard, pint-size pram for her baby, and kiddie pool out back. This mama is enjoying the character of the house, sharing stories with Sally, and swinging on the back porch. This will be a lovely vacation!
I’m happy to share that I finished summer classes the day before coming to Aitkin. It was a month of reading reading reading, so I’m glad to slow things down again. I do have one research paper to complete this month, which I’m hoping to get out of the way in the next few days. I want to enjoy the rest of the summer without classwork hanging over my head.
Now that I have more time, I hope to post more often. I have so much catching up to do! First, I need to share pictures of Miss Ella’s 2nd birthday party. We had such a great time making cupcakes and playing outside. We spent the 4th of July in Pequot watching the parade and then in Aitkin for mini donuts and fireworks. So many pictures! I’ll try to get on those.
This weekend is going to be another busy one! We’ll be traveling Thursday and Friday to Milwaukee for Pete’s cousin’s wedding. We’re looking forward to celebrating such a lovely couple and spending time with Auntie Kristin and Nana & Papa Olsen.
My Ella has awoken! We’re off for our first official walking exploration of Aitkin. I already discovered that there are two fabric stores, a second-hand shop, and something else that I got excited about…I just can’t remember what it was. I’ll let you know soon! Off we go!