I am thrilled to welcome you to this new space, one I’ve been dreaming of and working toward for quite some time. I hope it will become a place where stories and inspiration will be shared and hearts will be encouraged.
What is The Mango Memoirs?
A few months ago, Pete and I started feeling that we wanted a way to share our journey to Africa with more people. We’ve never felt like God is taking us on this path alone. For the new blog, we wanted a title that would include Africa and would inspire me toward creativity. After a lot of prayer and tossing out lots of ideas, we realized our new name. Mango trees are thick and sturdy with sprawling branches. People gather under their leaves to find shelter from the hot sun or pouring rain. They become a place of community. We hope that this becomes a place of community as we make our way toward Africa and collect our memories here, the very definition of a memoir.
What will be different?
First, I’ll tell you that the content will not be changing a great deal. There will just be more of it! I’m committing to posting four times each week. That may seem like a lot, but it won’t always be deep thoughts or lots of words. Some posts will consist only of photos, while others will be light and fun. Who wants to read heavy, wordy stuff every single day anyway? Not me. I’ll post stories of daily life with our family, the ups and downs of mommy-hood, preparations for Africa, things that inspire me that I think may inspire you, too, and lots and lots of pictures. You definitely won’t want to miss what’s going on in this new space, so be sure to add themangomemoirs.com to your blog reader, bookmark list, or home page, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and put an alarm in your phone! Things are going to be happening here, folks!
Will you be writing on a schedule?
Yes. I do well with structure, so I’m going to try it here, too. Mondays will be a day I share something that inspires me. Sometimes it will be deep and thought-provoking, while other times it will be very light, like how to frost cookies or something fun like that. Tuesdays I’ll post about what we’ve been up to as a family, perhaps what we did over the weekend or a recent outing. Wednesday will usually be quiet, but I will occasionally ask friends to write as guest bloggers, particularly in a new feature called On the Field. In these posts, missionary friends from around the world will share their stories through words and pictures. Thursdays I hope to write from my heart. Setting a regular time to be able to do this will challenge me as a writer and thinker. Fridays will continue as Photo Fridays, featuring pictures taken on my phone throughout the week. I’ll break over the weekend to focus on time with my loves. Will this schedule be a challenge? Yes, but that’s what I like. For years, theatre was my creative challenge. Then it was baking. Now it’s writing and a slight attempt at photography.
We would love for you to be a part of this journey with us. So please, pull up a chair and pour yourself a cup of chai. There are stories to share!

YAY!!! Congrats! I am so looking forward to hearing from you more often. Everything looks beautiful & I can’t wait to digest it all 🙂
You’ve really inspired me to go further with my blog, so thank you!! I’m excited to do a lot more writing!
Hey Angela!
I added you to my bloglovin’ feed so I can follow along. I’ve been following your IG for a while (found you through my friend Maggie @The Rural Roost), but I didn’t realize you were a teacher! I finished my Masters in Education a couple of years ago, and now I’m a SAHM. Your kids are so cute and I’m excited to follow along on your new adventure!
Thanks for following, Andrea! It’s always great to meet another teacher, especially one in the same boat of now being a SAHM. I look forward to following your blog, too!
Congrats on the new blog Angela. The design and layout is fab. I look forward to reading about your adventures. Ella and Samuel are both adorable. Best wishes to you all from Lorna in Dublin, Ireland.
Thank you, Lorna! It’s fun to know we have someone reading all the way in Dublin! Happy New Year!
I love the new design, congratulations! I hope this new space will be everything you hoped and worked so hard for. I can’t wait to read more and get to know you better!
Have a great Friday and weekend,
Johanna from Viña del Mar
I’m so glad to hear from you, Johanna! Thanks for following! I’ve been wondering, how did the birthday cake turn out?
Hope you’re having a great weekend!!
Congrats my friend! The new site is beautiful, and so were your words! It’s totally nerdy to admit, but I got teary-eyed reading it! I am excited to read along as your family continues on the exciting adventure God is leading you through!
It’s so good to hear from you!! I love knowing that we can share our stories with you. I’m so looking forward to getting together with you when we’re in your area!
Yay! Congratulations on the blog. Can’t wait to follow your amazing journey. Lots of love from the Loves xx
Thank you, Annie!!
The blog is perfect, Ang. I love the design! Cheers to another year of blogging!
Thank you, Krista!! I’m excited to have you be a part of lots of the upcoming adventures!
I’m excited to read about your journey! Congrats on the new site.
Thank you! 🙂
I just found your blog and I’m excited to follow. My husband is a second year resident. It can be blessing and a struggle to be married to a doctor 🙂
It’s very nice to ‘meet’ you! I completely agree that it can be a blessing & a struggle being a doctor’s wife. When will he be finished with residency? What is his specialty? Thank you for following our adventures with us!