While scrolling through photos on my phone this morning, I realized something fun. One year ago today, I interviewed for my teaching position at Beaches Chapel School. I’ve not posted since I first shared the news of the job primarily because I was a bit busy jumping back into the classroom after 12 years out! Planning and prepping and grading took up most of the last school year, and I absolutely loved it. Let me explain…

After I accepted my job, I spent a few days in my classroom, transitioning it into something that felt a little like mine. Our family was traveling all of July, so I did’t have any time to be at the school then. I did what I could for lesson planning, but that wasn’t super easy until I had a better idea of what I’d be doing at the school.

My first day at BCS was August 4. I met my team, had a few meetings, and was able to settle my room a little more and prepare for students on August 10. I ended up teaching five different classes daily: English for grades 6, 7, and 8, World History for grade 7, and Bible/homeroom for grade 7. That’s 3 hours a day with the 7th grade class! I had SO MUCH learning to do myself as I taught those subjects day to day, but I honestly loved it. There’s just no question that God designed me to be in the classroom, and I’m so, so happy He led me back, especially to such a wonderful school. I’m looking forward to another school year in August!

There are lots of fun things to share from the last year, in school and with our family. Now that school is out for the summer, I’m happy to have time for personal writing! More to come!

That school is blessed to have you!
Thank you so much, Char! I am so happy to be there!