My little helper has helped me discover a perfect whipped cream recipe. And even better than discovering the recipe? I wrote it down! Amazing concept, isn’t it? I had been working with a Martha recipe for a while that wasn’t sweet enough for my liking, so I changed it every time I made it. The thing was, I had to keep re-inventing it because I kept forgetting to write it down. So now that I practically have it etched into stone so I don’t forget it again, I want to pass it on to you.
The recipe makes a pretty good amount. (I just wrote it down for the first time. Please don’t expect that I’ve also measured how much it produces.) I do know that half of the recipe is plenty to cover a pie. So if you don’t want to have extra because you think you just might eat all the leftovers with a spoon right after promising yourself you’ll save the extra, I’d recommend going with the half recipe.
Here’s the full recipe:
1 tablespoon vanilla
3-4 tablespoons powdered sugar
It’s a simple recipe, but whipped cream is kind of a dessert staple, so it’s nice to have a good recipe on hand. And it’s always memorable to tell people it’s homemade.