It’s finally time for an update! I apologize for not updating sooner, but things have been a bit on the busy side for our little family.
Ella is now 17 days old. The time is already going so quickly! We’re completely in love with our little girl and all the things she does. I don’t even know how many pictures we’ve taken already. A lot. We’ll post them very soon.
When Ella was just 6 days old we made our big move to Minneapolis. Fortunately, we were able to hire movers to pick up our boxes and drop them off at the new place. We’re still living out of those boxes. Soon enough we’ll be out of them. It’s just that we’d much rather spend time with Ella than unpack. We enjoy our new place very much. It’s just a block from the Mississippi River, which provides great walking paths. We’re surrounded by little shops and cafes and are just a block from the U of MN campus. We can actually see the new Gopher stadium from our front window! They’ll be lots of fun outtings coming up.
Like I mentioned, I’ll get the new pictures posted as soon as I find a few extra minutes. They’ll include highlights of our stay in the hospital, visitors, the first days at home, Mommy & Daddy’s anniversary (a picnic in Stillwater!), and many other firsts. Check back soon!

Glad to hear things are going well for you guys! We’ve been thinking about you a lot, and Charlotte talks about Baby Ella. 🙂