Sammy Explores

Is there any question why this little guy is one of my favorite subjects to photograph? I love watching his curiousity and seeing him discover new things. I few days ago, I followed him as he explored spaces near our house, including a little shed that may be a dog house, though I’m not sure. I’ll ask someone eventually. In the meantime, here’s this kiddo, out and about.

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25 Inexpensive Summer Activities for Kids

Summer is winding down, and I know many families are getting ready for a new school year. Maybe you’re even counting the days until you usher your little ones onto the bus? (No shame in that! We homeschool and even I am counting down the days. I love the structure of school days!) These last few weeks before the new school year begins can feel long. Usually by this time, I’ve used up all my summer fun ideas, so I took to Pinterest this week to find fun things for Ella and Sam. (Technically, it’s winter here in Kenya, but since we can still be outside everyday, it feels like a cool summer.)

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Photo Friday

Photo Friday is a little glimpse at our week in pictures. To see more, follow @TheMangoMemoirs on Instagram!



Reading & Resting & Wrestling

From the moment we arrived in our new house, we fell head-over-heals in love with our porch. It’s bright and airy, spacious enough for Ella to jump rope and the perfect location for Sam to watch the big kids play in the field below. Last week, we hosted lunch for the medical interns and other physicians Pete has been teaching in the pediatrics department, and there was plenty of room for us to pull our full-size dining room table outside and surround it with chairs and benches. We had not planned on having such a space when coming to Kenya, and we do not take it for granted. Many afternoons have been spent playing on the porch, like the recent afternoon I snapped these photos of Ella and Sam.

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Photo Friday

Photo Friday is a little glimpse at our week in pictures. To see more, follow @TheMangoMemoirs on Instagram!



Experiencing Her First Steps

Faith beamed as she received her walker, balancing on her bare feet in the grass while holding onto her new treasure. Her smile was infectious, and the excitement of the students gathered around her could not be missed. Solomon, head of the special needs clinic at Tenwek, knelt proudly next to her, ready to show her how the new walking frame worked. Just moments later, we would witness Faith take her very first steps.

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