You Are Worthy, Sweet Boy

When our Samuel was ten months old, a professional acquaintance told me the story of her own scare with Down syndrome during her second pregnancy. I sat next to her at the little kindergarten-size table while our kids played at the library. Sam laid quietly on a blanket near our feet, gumming a stuffed giraffe. “We did the amnio because I just had to know. My husband and I couldn’t have handled a child with Down syndrome. Thank God the test was negative,” she told me quite matter-of-factly. I was so surprised at her remark, I didn’t know how to respond. I can’t even remember what we talked about after that, but I do remember saying goodbye about ten minutes later, scooping up my little boy, walking out to my Jeep, and crying while holding him to my chest.

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More Than “Under the Weather”

Oh friends, where do I even begin? The post I quickly popped up a week and a half ago sharing that I wasn’t feeling well seems so long ago. As it turns out, I was a bit more than simply ‘under the weather.’

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Under the Weather

Oh friends, I’m so sorry for the quietness you’ve found here recently. I’ve hit an illness that seems to be lingering. A few weeks ago, I caught a cold with pretty typical symptoms for me. with But I think my immunity was down during that, inviting other illnesses to sneak in. The little sicknesses that are brand new for my body in this environment. Until a few days ago, I was still able to be out and about, playing with the kids and getting ready for the upcoming school year. This week, however, has been harder. I’ve spent the last three days in bed, yesterday and today with a stomach bug. I wasn’t planning on sharing this since I know so many friends want to hear the cool, new parts of life in Africa, but I would just really love your prayers for healing. This may not be a cool part of life, but it’s a part of it, nonetheless. And don’t worry, my doctor hubby and kiddos are taking very good care of me. I’ll be back at it soon!

(a cute picture, just for fun)

Thank you so much for your prayers! I truly do appreciate every single one.



Just Outside our House

Just outside our house are a few great areas for exploring, especially for the kids.

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Photo Friday

Photo Friday is a little glimpse at our week in pictures. To see more, follow @TheMangoMemoirs on Instagram!



Our Day at The Happiest Place On Earth!

We’re jumping back in time a few months to share photos of the day we surprised the kids with a little trip to Disney World! We were in Florida waiting for Pete’s work permit to be approved in Kenya and had extra days with zero plans. You guys, this is my absolute favorite place in the world, so when Pete ran the idea by me as a possibility just before we left Minnesota, I got a little excited. Sam’s first visit!

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