We’re now less than one month away from our due date!! Although there are still a few things we’d like to check off our to-do lists, we’re feeling pretty good about everything at this point. I got to do some gardening in front of the house yesterday, which was one of my goals, so that should be set until we move. The house is clean, the guest bedroom and extra beds are made up for visiting grandmas & grandpas and aunts & uncles, and baby clothes are washed. I will be finished teaching by the end of next week (excellent timing…May 29) which will give me some time to finish those things still patiently waiting on my list.
Speaking of moving, we’ve set the date for July 1. Yikes, that doesn’t give us much time in June. I’m hoping that my nesting will really kick in after school is out so I can get some things packed before the little one arrives. Pete reserved the date with a moving company, which will no doubt be a life saver for us. We’re both looking forward to being in Minneapolis, although that means we’ll be leaving Owatonna. It’s been a short stay, but we’ve enjoyed it very much. We’ve got adventures ahead!

I like the part about room for grandma and grandpa!