I recently had the privilege to join my sweet friend, Maggie, to record an episode for her podcast Mindful Motherhood. Maggie shares mindfulness exercises and interviews moms on a wide range of topics. Our time together focused on being the mom of a child with special needs. Maggie has a little girl with significant special needs, so we were able to dig into our experiences together.

I really enjoyed sharing our journey on the podcast. Thinking through the last nine years was so good for me. We’ve learned so much! It’s especially encouraging when I feel like I’m struggling. Parenting any child is a challenge, but there are certainly some unique experiences that come with parenting a beautifully unique child. I’m not in the same place I was a few years ago when it comes to parenting Sam, and I’m thankful for that. I’ve grown, and I sometimes have to remind myself of that.

I’m really happy with how this interview turned out, and I’d love to share it with you! You can find the episode by clicking here or by searching for Mindful Motherhood wherever you listen to podcasts.