Ella met her godparents weeks ago, but I’m just now getting the photos uploaded. (We added some back-up devices to our computer shortly before Ella came along, and I still get frustrated with the speed at which it takes to deal with photos. There has to be a faster method, although I haven’t figured it out yet.) Both Kristin and Anton were able to meet Ella on the same day. We spent some time at the apartment before going to dinner at the very cool new Burger Jones on Lake Calhoun, which was actually Ella’s first restaurant.
Kristin is Pete’s oldest sister and the source of Ella’s middle name (along with my mom). We look forward to Kristin teaching Ella a few dance moves in the future. She’s a very talented dancer and spends lots of time dancing with a studio in Wisconsin.
Anton and Pete have been very good friends since Pete’s days singing in the St. Olaf Choir. Ella has already sung her first duet with Anton, which probably came as a bit of a surprise to our little girl. Anton joined her as she sang out (some might say she was crying out), which quieted her momentarily. With Kristin’s dancing influence and Anton’s in the world of music, Ella’s opportunities in the artistic world will be many.