Last month we made a weekend trip to Milwaukee for Louis & Jillian’s wedding. (Jillian is Pete’s cousin and made a gorgeous bride.) Ella was (nearly) an angel in the car. I’d say that’s pretty good considering we spent more than 18 hours driving. We headed out of Aitkin right after Pete finished work on Thursday and made it all the way to his parents’ house in Marshfield. The next morning we completed the drive to Milwaukee in time to check in to our hotel and head downtown for the rehearsal dinner.
The ceremony took place in a picturesque cathedral where Louis & Jillian met more than 8 years ago. It was fun to be a part of that history. Ella almost made it to the ceremony but was whisked out as soon as the bride made her entrance. We thought they didn’t need to hear Ella’s little voice making comments on the dress and the windows and violins playing in the balcony, especially if they were recording it. Pete very sweetly took her outside to play so that I could enjoy the ceremony. He knows how much I love weddings. What a man.
Afterward we took a few pictures outside. Ella loves her Papa Olsen.
We thought it would be quite nice to have a family picture taken since we were all dressed up. Ella would have none of it, though. With the lack of a nap, we couldn’t blame her. (But wouldn’t this make a great Christmas photo?)
Between the ceremony and the reception, we did some exploring along the lake (Michigan, that is) in Milwaukee. We ended up at a Whole Foods Market for a little snack.
Ella loved the noodles. Daddy tried to show her how to eat them.
A little ended up on his shoes.
Ella didn’t make it long into the reception. Good thing she had a big, cozy bed to cuddle in! Well, that’s what she had hoped, anyway. She slept in the Pack n Play. We got the big, cozy bed. But she did get to do lots of cuddling with us while watching cartoons over the weekend.
Big beds & TV. Exactly why we like hotels!
It was a great weekend in Milwaukee celebrating such a great couple. We also got to spend lots of time with Grandma & Grandpa Olsen and Aunties Kristin & Kathryn. We hope to see you all again soon!