Thirty years ago today, my parents stood at the front of a small church in Wadena, Minnesota and promised before God and one another that they would love and support each other through thick and thin. Thirty amazing, eventful, adventurous, trying, and joyful years. Not all of it has been a walk in the park, as no marriage ever is, but they have held to the promise they made and continue to believe in the unity that God created between them. It’s beautiful and inspiring.
And what will they be doing for their anniversary? Taking this mama and her Ella to Colorado! What?! That’s right, my friends, we get to accompany them on their special anniversary trip at the end of August. We’re very much looking forward to it. Lots of hiking, shopping, swimming, and sight seeing. And I’ve promised that Ella and I will get away for a couple days to give them a little alone time. It only seems fair since it is their anniversary vacation, after all.
Thank you, Mom & Dad, for the example you’ve been in my marriage and for showing me what it means to truly love someone. I love you both!