This week brought on the new adventure of swimming lessons! Miss Ella will be putting on her little pink swimming suit every afternoon this week and next and joining two other toddlers for a 30-minute splash session in the UMD pool. Ella is the youngest of the bunch but does a great job keeping up. You should see her kicks. They’re beautiful. And her bubbles? Well, we’re getting there. Maybe she’ll figure it out by the end of the week. 🙂
She picked the headband on her own…and put it on.
Running down the hallway to her first lesson. She was so excited!
Post-lesson shivers. There are multiple lesson groups in the pool at the same time. It’s really fun to see all the little kids in their swimming suits, wrapped in fuzzy towels.
Ah, warm and cozy after day one. Mama remembered the hat to cover the wet hair but forgot the leggings. Oops. Good thing it was warm outside.
It’s about time for these girls to get ready for another swimming lesson. Yup, Mama is in the pool, too. Daddy joined us yesterday. That was great fun, except that Ella only wanted to pour water over Pete’s head for a good part of the lesson.
At least we get to play in the agua! (That’s what Ella calls all it. Her one Spanish word. Sometimes I feel bad for not teaching her more already.)
Esta bien, verdad? Tenemos tiempo a aprender mas este ano cuando ella tiene dos anos! Tal ves este es el tiempo perfecto! Deseo que tener mas oportunidades hablar espanol aqui en Duluth. No hay muchas personas quien puede hablar la idoma en este ciudad en el norte.
Any Spanish speakers? How was that? It’s been a while. Betsy, don’t grade too harshly. 😉

Tu espanol esta muy bien! =) I’ll trade you spanish practice for med-school moral support! lol
That’s pretty cute.