As of Wednesday (Jan 28) we’ve made it half-way through the pregnancy and are just 20 weeks away from meeting our little one! According to our count-down, we’ve got just 140 days. I can’t believe how fast the first 20 weeks passed, although it was pretty hard during the first 15 when we weren’t telling anyone. It’s hard not to tell everyone now. June seems so far away, but I’m sure it’ll be here before we know it.
We’re starting to think a bit more seriously about registering and how we want to decorate the nursery (although it won’t happen until our move to Minneapolis in mid-July). We’ve got one more ultrasound coming up on Tuesday, but we’re sticking to our previous decision and won’t be finding out the gender. Hopefully they’ll be no slips or hints from the doc. We should be okay. As we get closer to the due date, we’ll be curious to know what everyone thinks! We’ll have to start some kind of poll. 🙂

Don’t find out!!!! Stay strong!!!! It’s so much fun having a big surprise. I thought it made labor a bit more manageable just because there was an extra element of anticipation. Will this little one be a boy or a girl–nobody except the ultrasound tech knows?! (of course, the anticipation of having a baby is plenty of motivation by itself, don’t get me wrong…)
Do you guys have some names picked out? How about dreams for who you want this small person to be?
Post some more pictures please! We (ok, I–Kristi) want to see the baby belly and any baby stuff you’ve started accumulating.
Wish we lived closer!