It’s amazing how quickly Ella is growing and how the time is flying. She’s 5 1/2 weeks old already! Can you believe it? One of the biggest changes we’ve seen in her in the last week is that she is starting to coo. It’s adorable. Pete wonders if she’ll be as big a talker as her mommy. Time will tell!
Another first this week: Ella has a cold. I have one too. She’s still eating well and seems happy, so maybe it’s not bothering her too much. I’ve never wiped such a tiny nose. It’s pretty cute.
Today Ella is going to be a big cousin! Ang’s sister, Becky, is currently in labor. She’s expecting a little girl, Malena. Malena and Ella will be not be very far apart in age, which will make for fun family gatherings and play dates in the future!
I’m still learning how to upload pictures from our camera to the computer, so as soon as I do I’ll get them posted.