Today we’ve reached 37 weeks, meaning we’re full term today! Wahoo! Little Dino is safe to arrive any day now, although we realize it could still be weeks and weeks before he or she decides to make an appearance. Things are looking good from this side of things. Just about everything is ready at home and hospital bags are somewhat packed. I teach just through the end of this week, so in three more days I’ll be finished. Absolutely perfect timing. There are little things I’d like to be sure to wrap up in the next week or two and I’d like to get a few naps in since sleeping all the way through the night has become a bit more challenging in the last week.
As we’re getting through these last couple weeks, we’d like to ask for your prayers. We’re trying to take in all of our quiet moments together, knowing that things are about to change big time. We can’t wait!

It’s crazy to think that just under 3 weeks you’ll most likely have your baby bouncing in your arms, unless you go overdue, but it’s silly to consider that scenario much. Enjoy those last bumps and pokes in there, you’re going to miss them when they’re gone.