We are beyond excited to finally announce the arrival of our little girl Ella Kristin Rehema Olsen. Ella was born on Thursday, June 25 at 6:25am at the Owatonna Hospital. She weighed 8lbs 11 oz (a surprise to us all!) and was 21 inches long. The three of us came home from the hospital today and are settling in to life with a new born. It’s amazing to watch all of the incredible things she does that absolutely melt our hearts.
What’s in a name?
The name Ella came from Ang’s adopted grandma when she was younger. “Grandma Ella” was a resident of the nursing home where Ang’s mom was working. Ang’s family spent years visiting her, taking her to piano recitals, bringing her baskets of kitties and puppies to play with, and listening to her stories of growing up on a farm in the early 1900s. Grandma Ella lived to be just six months shy of her 100 birthday and had a love for her family (all passed away before she did) and had a strong faith in Jesus.
The name Kristin comes from two very special people, both of whom are sure to have a loving influence on Ella in the years to come. Kristin is Ang’s mom’s name as well as Pete’s sister’s name. Pete’s sister is also Ella’s godmother.
Rehema also carries great significance. It is the Swahili word for Mercy. It is a reminder of the calling that God has put on our family, no matter where He leads us. He has designed each member of our family, as well as our family as a whole, to specific purposes. We are excited to see Ella grow in God’s love and to discover His purpose for her life in the years to come.

Yay! Angie, I’m so excited for you guys! I totally was thinking about Grandma Ella in the nursing home in Buffalo, such a special namesake! I’m sure you guys are just savoring these great days!
You are loved,
Just wanted to say we had such a great time visiting you three in the hospital. Thank you for taking time out of your day to share your beautiful daughter with us!
At this point I suppose you have moved, right? How did it go? Hopefully as smoothly as possible, and hopefully Ella is settling in to her new life with her parents.
We love you guys!
It was cool to hear where her name came from.