Colorado: Day 6

Today we spent the entire day in Breckenridge for the finish of stage 5 of the first ever USA Pro Cycle Challenge. It’s pretty much the Tour de France of the US. It was amazing! We jumped on a shuttle to Breck at 9:30 am, found a city bench in the shade, and camped out for 6 hours. We were about 30 yards from the finish line and sat right behind the VIP seats. I’d never been to anything like this, so it was all very new to me. When the cyclists finally made it across the finish, they were moving so quickly it was hard to see them! We stayed to watch the awards ceremony afyer the race and saw them award each of the prestigious jerseys. It was a really fun experience!
1: Ella ready with her cow bell before the race
2: our spot in the shade
3: watching live coverage of the race on an enormous screen
4: right befire the finishers came in
5: with Ella at the finish. She had a great day, although the pic doesn’t exactly depict that. 🙂


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