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We've Got a Dancer

Or a little musician. In the last week I started putting speakers on my belly and listening to music with the baby. I was quite surprised the first time when I put the speakers on and, within a minute, I started to feel strong kicks. They were so strong, in fact, that I was able to see them outside my belly. That was a first. That first dancing session was to “Lullaby Renditions of Radiohead.” Really, what else would be the first CD Pete bought for his little one? In the last few days we’ve listened to a variety of other tunes including Christopher O’Riley (playing Radiohead), Jack Johnson, and we even jammed out to Mozart. It’s just way too much fun to feel the baby dancing each time we put on the music. (And don’t worry, we’re careful of the noise level for those little ears.)


Daddy Felt It Too!

It’s been just over a week since I started to feel the little one moving. Since then, I’ve been anticipating the time when Pete would be able to feel a little movement, too. Last night it happened! We were watching the beginning of season 3 of “Lost” (so good!) when I felt a strong little kick. Up to this point I hadn’t been able to feel anything from the outside, so I didn’t expect him to be able to, either. I had him push on the spot and the baby kicked! He felt it!

The little one is definitely getting bigger and stronger. I’m rarely feeling the little flutters I felt the first few days. They’ve now escalated into little taps. We played our first game this morning. I pushed lightly on my lower belly and a moment later a little tap echoed back. This happened three or four times. It was like our first interaction! Oh, the baby must know I’m writing about it because it just started squirming again. I love those movements!


Movin' & Groovin'

I can feel the baby! Last Thursday afternoon, the day after I reached 17 weeks, I felt the first baby movements. At first, of course, it was hard to tell if it was really the baby, but by Thursday night I had no questions. I’ve felt the little flutters more and more each day. Occasionally, I even feel a tiny thump. The first thump I felt was during worship on Sunday morning. I think the baby was dancing to the music. Now we’re looking forward to the day when Daddy will be able to feel some movement, too.

Speaking of listening to music, we’re now singing, playing music, and reading to the little one as often as possible. Apparently, the sense of hearing is much more developed now than it was even two weeks ago, so we want to take full advantage of those bitty ears.

Today I’m 18 weeks along and things are going really well! I feel healthy and full of energy…most of the time. The belly is starting to pop out more and more. Most of my regular clothes are still fitting, but I feel I’m in that in between stage of sort of being ready to move into maternity clothes. I’ve worn only one maternity shirt so far. I have a feeling it won’t be too long before I’ll have to adopt the new wardrobe.


Another Baby Picture

This was also taken at 12 weeks. Sucking the thumb!


Christmas Photos

We thought it’d be fun to post a few pictures from Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Olsen’s. Here they are…


We're Having a Baby!

We’re finally sharing the news! We decided right from the beginning that we wanted to wait until Christmas to let anyone know that we’re expecting, which made for an incredible holiday with our families. We first drove to Marshfield, Wisconsin to be with Pete’s family for Christmas Eve. This will be the first grandchild for the Olsens. On Christmas morning we made the six hour trek to Pequot Lakes, Minnesota to share the news with my family. With 20 people in the room, the announcement made quite the commotion. Today we’re on our way to Duluth to continue to share the news with friends.

We could not be happier to know that in just 5 1/2 months we’re going to be parents. There have been lots of milestones already, and we know there are so many more to come. We first heard the baby’s heart beat on December 3 when Pete took me to the clinic after hours so we could be the first to hear it. Pete used his doppler and took no time at all finding the rhythm. What an incredible sound! There really is a baby in there! The very next day we had our 12 week appointment with our OB and finally got to see our little one. The first thing we saw the baby doing? Sit ups! It was moving and moving. Then the baby settled into a still position and seemed quite content as we watched it bring one hand up to it’s mouth and then the other. Sucking it’s thumb already! Pete was able to take a few of the sweetest pictures.

I’m currently 15 weeks along and there’s definitely a little bump growing. Once our friends know after the next couple of days, I’ll be happy to show it off. Pete already bought me a couple of cute dresses and shirts. Fortunately, my regular jeans still fit just fine, but we’ll see how long that lasts. The baby is now getting close to the size of a grapefruit and will be developing the ability to hear this week! I’ll be sure to have Pete sing to my belly as often as possible.

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