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Pregnancy Brain

I had my first completely forgetful moment this morning. I went to the copy room at school to run some copies for class and I couldn’t for the life of me remember my copy code. I stood there looking at the machine and was completely blank. I use the number nearly every day! When the copy room woman asked if she could help me, I just looked at her and said, “I can’t remember what my code is.” A social studies teacher at another machine said I could use his and tried putting it into my machine, but I had already tried too many incorrect ones which locked it. They had to reset the whole copier before the social studies teacher re-entered his code for me. Luckily, another teacher on my team walked in so I joked with her that it was “pregnancy brain.” We all then joked about what pregnancy does to a woman. Like last week when I blamed my tiredness on the baby and my 10th graders debated whether or not I could use that excuse since the baby’s not born yet. Funny moments.


25 Weeks & Healthy!

We had our monthly doctor visit on Tuesday this week, one day before hitting 25 weeks. Everything looks great! We listened to the heartbeat, which was strong and steady. Measurements are right where they should be. The doctor was happy with the progress, so we’re happy too!

Pete finished his pediatrics rotation last week. He’s so great with little kids. Actually, a few weeks ago we were visiting our new little Goddaughter in Rochester. I got ready to hand her over to Pete but was very cautious, as many guys I’ve seen hold babies are a bit fumbly and unsure. Apparently, I had momentarily forgotten how many babies Pete holds in a day. He has so much more confidence with little ones than I do! He’s going to be such a great dad. As a parting gift from the docs on the peds team, he was given a little reflex checking thing (I know there’s a technical name for it, but I can’t remember what it is) in the shape of a giraffe! He said it’s perfect for giving nervous kids “giraffe kisses” to check their reflexes. Too cute!

This week Pete moved in to the emergency department. With the new rotation comes a much better schedule. He’s doing shift work and is only on call for c-sections. Yay for being able to have dinner together again!


23 Week Belly Pics


Weeks Are Passing

We’re now at 23 weeks and have less than four months to go!

We did have a second ultrasound two weeks ago, so I need to get a couple new pics posted. Everything looked great, and the doctor kept the secret! I was so nervous that somehow we’d accidentally find out if we’ve got a little he or a little she on the way, but no such thing happened. Whew! We’re all in for a surprise in June!

Baby is growing and growing. This week the little one measures about 8 1/2 inches long (the width of a regular piece of paper) and is working its way up to 1 1/2 pounds. And yes, that means this mama is growing too. I’ll post a picture very soon, although I don’t feel like I look much different than the week 19 pic posted earlier. I’ll let you be the judge.

Everything else is going really well in Owatonna. I’ve been teaching for five weeks now and am getting into my groove. I work with a team of amazing teachers and my students seem to love the fact that their teacher’s having a baby. It’s all working quite nicely. I did have a nasty cold this week and took one day to stay home. I just have to say that I’m incredibly fortunate to have my own doc on hand. Comes in handy. Otherwise, I’m doing what I can to stay active since they say that a time will come when it won’t be so easy. I’m running a few times a week, lifting, and walking a lot. I can’t wait till it gets nice out so I don’t have to stay on a treadmill…but at least the gym has a TV! I haven’t watched this much Oprah in years!


Half Way to Baby!

As of Wednesday (Jan 28) we’ve made it half-way through the pregnancy and are just 20 weeks away from meeting our little one! According to our count-down, we’ve got just 140 days. I can’t believe how fast the first 20 weeks passed, although it was pretty hard during the first 15 when we weren’t telling anyone. It’s hard not to tell everyone now. June seems so far away, but I’m sure it’ll be here before we know it.

We’re starting to think a bit more seriously about registering and how we want to decorate the nursery (although it won’t happen until our move to Minneapolis in mid-July). We’ve got one more ultrasound coming up on Tuesday, but we’re sticking to our previous decision and won’t be finding out the gender. Hopefully they’ll be no slips or hints from the doc. We should be okay. As we get closer to the due date, we’ll be curious to know what everyone thinks! We’ll have to start some kind of poll. 🙂


19 Week Pics

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