Category Archives: Uncategorized

Owatonna 5K

Last weekend I got to do my last 5K before the little one arrives. I had planned on walking the whole thing with friends but felt pretty good for the second half and decided to run the remainder. I’m really looking forward to being able to run a few future 5Ks while pushing Dino in the new stroller. Here are a few pics taken after the race. (33 1/2 weeks)


The Belly!

Last week at our birth class, Pete had the opportunity to sort of find out what it’s like to carry around a baby belly. He got to wear the Empathy Belly. It comes complete with a band around the chest to make it difficult to take deep breaths, lead balls in the belly area, and a warm water pouch that pushes against the bladder. I noticed that one of the major things it doesn’t do is inhibit the use of ab muscles. They’ll figure out something for that later. He was such a good sport!

getting into the belly
belly to belly

Pete’s first craving??


Two Months Away!

That’s right…just two more months till we hit our due date! Of course we do realize that Dino will decide when to arrive, but at least we have a goal date. My nesting urge is still strong. Pete is so patient with me. When I get home after school I have an incredible desire to clean and organize, but am often too tired. Instead, I sit in one place, look at what I’d like to organize, and get irritated. Last night was better. We worked together and did get a few things in order. I felt much better when I woke this morning, knowing that we’re a little step closer to being ready.

Today’s goal: order the car seat.


Baby Classes

Today we’ve reached 31 weeks! Just nine more weeks till the due date and we’re getting more and more educated as the days pass. Last Thursday Pete became a car seat expert. Well, nearly. We attended the car seat safety class at the hospital in Rochester where we got to practice correctly installing and adjusting a baby seat. I learned as well, but since I have the joy of carrying the little one around 24/7 (and I truly do consider it a joy) I’ve stepped aside so that Pete can do some things, too. Not surprisingly, he dove right in to the practice session and we were one of the last couples to leave at the end of the night. We’re now in the process of ordering our own seat so we’ll be set before the baby arrives.

Tonight we continue our classes in Rochester. We’re beginning a six-week series of birth and parenting classes. We’ll be having the baby at the Owatonna hospital, but going to Rochester every week for classes is an excellent excuse to visit our friends Jim & Alissa and their two little girls. Tonight it’s our turn to bring dinner, and I made a yummy dirt dessert. I say it’s for Lydia, but really, I love it just as much as any kid does.

Things are slowly coming together in the nursery. We’re being careful not to go crazy with it since we have to move in July, but it’s fun to have a few things ready. Last week we picked up our stroller and glider, ordered diapers, and bought a list of things we think will be necessary in the first week. We have yet to buy “going home” outfits, but we’ll soon check that off our list as well.

This past weekend we had fun celebrating Great-Grandpa Scott’s 80th birthday in St. Cloud. Grandma & Grandpa from the farm (Ang’s parents) were there, too, and got to see how much little Dino is growing. This weekend we’re looking forward to spending a few days with Grandma & Grandpa Olsen.

FYI: For those of you who haven’t heard, Dino is the baby’s nickname. We like to joke that we’re growing a dinosaur. 🙂


Babymoon in Jamaica!

Last week we took an amazingly relaxing vacation to Montego Bay, Jamaica, to celebrate our babymoon. Yes, that really is something that people are doing now. We didn’t make it up. It was our last big trip before being dubbed “mommy & daddy” in just a couple months, and I’m positive it was the easiest trip we’ll ever take with our little one! Here are a few pics to sum up our week away.

Flambeau dinner (you can’t see the flames in the pic)

No sucking in this belly!

Getting pumped up for the push-up contest

Ang won! 28 weeks pregnant and still going strong..

Lunch on our balcony

At the Thai restaurant out on the island

No need for pockets!


Three Months Today!

I also wanted to mention that we’re due THREE MONTHS from today!! There are still so many things to do to get ready, but I don’t feel overwhelmed yet. Slow and steady. We started registering and reading books on childcare, so we’re on the right track. We’ve also signed up to take a few different classes at Mayo in Rochester. We’re both looking forward to those!

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