We recently took Ella to the doctor for her latest check-up. She passed! 🙂 As we all suspected, she’s grown by leaps and bounds since her last visit. In fact, she needed to be measured twice to determine if she really could have grown as long as she had. Ella is now 27 inches long, which is the 97th percentile, if you’re curious. She weighs nearly 15 pounds, putting her in the 75th percentile for weight. Everything else at the appointment went very well. She had a couple more shots and did an excellent job. That could have something to do with Mom’s reaction. I did much better and knew exactly what I should do to prepare her before them and how to comfort her afterward. We’re all learning!
This week we’re excited to visit Grandma & Grandpa Olsen for Thanksgiving. Ella can’t wait to meet her Auntie Kathryn for the first time! Before the trip, we’ll be doing some sewing and baking. What better time to try out new pie recipes? Ella’s a big help in the kitchen. Eventually she’ll be able to be a part of the stirring and pouring, but for now she sits in a little seat on the floor and keeps Mommy company.