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Great-Grandpa Johnson

A couple months ago, we had the opportunity to travel to Wadena to introduce Ella to her great-grandpa Johnson (Ang’s grandpa on her mom’s side). Since then we were able to make the trip a couple more times to celebrate both his 89th birthday and Christmas. On Saturday, January 9 we made the trip to Wadena to say goodbye. Great-Grandpa Johnson passed away this week but left many very happy memories.

Great-Grandpa Johnson was born in 1920, served in the Army during World War II, and spent many years traveling during the week for his job. Ang remembers his love of music, cars and gardening, his unending supply of jokes (particularly of Sven & Ole), and story after story of his time during the war. Grandpa began his career as a teacher in small country schools, which was a connecting point for us when we were chatting. He left many great memories, but we will certainly miss him a great deal.

My Grandpa was a pretty classy guy and a very snazzy dresser. You can see a great pics of him in his early years at the beginning of this video tribute (click to be connected to it). My favorites, of course, are with his motorcycles. That must be where my motorcycle roots originated. Thanks for that, Grandpa.

Until we meet again…

Ella hearing her first Grandpa J stories

Grandpa in his chair


A Christmas Dress

This is Ella’s first Christmas dress! Shortly before Christmas, I put it on her so I could snap a few pictures to use with Christmas gifts. Isn’t she a doll? I’ll post more Christmas pictures very soon.
stolen from the tree
no worries, the wrapper was still on it


Mama's Pie

Mama loves to make her pie. It’s true. I love to bake. Pie is my latest adventure. I started after we went to Apple Fest in Bayfield, Wisconsin and returned with bags of fresh, tart apples. I inherited an incredible, yet simple, recipe for crust and apple pie from my mom and have put a couple variations together in the last few months. For Thanksgiving I made apple-blackberry. The flavors together are delicious.
This little addition isn’t an apple pie at all, however. This is a Christmas pie of pear and fresh cranberries. I made a few mini pies to give to friends. It’s dangerous around this house to make a full, 9-inch pie when you know you have to taste a little to make sure it turned out okay. What do you do with the rest of the pie? Hence, I make little pies. They’re super cute and far less tempting. I have to say, though, that Pete is a huge help in the kitchen when it comes to taste tests.
As for this particular pie, I probably won’t do it again unless I can find a better pear. The texture just isn’t as good as an apple. It was a good experiment!


All the Way from Taiwan

For Ella’s dedication in November, she received a beautiful outfit from her godfather. He had just returned home from a trip to Taiwan and chose it specially for her. Isn’t it beautiful?



I didn’t even get the chance to post that Ella is now crawling before she reached another milestone. Our little girl is pulling herself to a standing position!

About two weeks before Christmas, a few days before she started eating solids, Ella crawled across the living room floor for the first time. Since then, she hasn’t stopped cruising. I was sitting on the floor with the computer nearby, and apparently, she wanted to know what I was doing. I soon realized she was sitting next to me…not where she had started! I plopped her back on the other side of the living room and she continued to show off her new skill. We quickly baby-proofed the living room and kitchen area, so now she’s fairly free to roam. And roam she does. She loves to touch everything – feeling textures, pushing buttons, pulling anything that will move. She often crawls under the dining room table and gets stuck between the chair legs. We swoop in to the rescue, but she soon finds herself under the table again. What an explorer!

Yesterday she pulled herself up completely on her own for the first time. I went in to get her after her nap and took the picture below. She wasn’t very happy, but I was extremely proud of her. She did it a few more times after that on the sides of baskets and boxes. My favorite was when she stood up next to her toy basket and looked in amazement at all the treasures inside.

Things are moving quickly in the Olsen house. We’re just trying to keep up with our big girl! She is six months old, after all. So much fun!



Just before Christmas, we decided it was time to introduce Ella to solid food. We started out with infant rice cereal. Probably pretty bland, but what a change after milk for nearly six months! Ella seems to really like to eat off a spoon, although it took some practice. She’s figured out how to open really wide as we put the food in, but she’s still working on closing her mouth afterwards. Today we added brown rice to the menu, which she seems to love even more. I can’t wait till next week when we bring in the fruits & veggies!
getting ready…
…and go!

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