On a recent trip to Pequot Lakes, Ella got to spend a little time with Uncle Jake. She’s crazy about his guitar!

We’ve been trying all kinds of new foods lately. Today we added green beans to menu. Ella likes them! One point for the “likes” list! We really haven’t found anything that she doesn’t like. For a little while, we thought bananas would end up on the “no thank you” list, but after we took a break for a week and tried them again, they are definitely a keeper. So far we’ve tried squash, sweet potatoes, peas, and green beans along with bananas, peaches, pears, and apple sauce. She still loves her brown rice and, more than anything else, her oatmeal. What should we try next?
Sorry about the lapse in blog entries. Our internet was down for the last week and I didn’t get out to check more than my email during that time. We’re back in business as of an hour ago, so I thought I’d post something new right away. I hate waiting. Why would I make you? Unfortunately, I don’t have pics to include today, but that might change by the end of the day. We’ll see how ambitious I get.
Ella is now seven months old, crawling like nobody’s business, chewing on everything she can get her hands on, and incredibly curious. She loves to show off her smile at everyone we pass when we go shopping or sit at a coffee shop. Her two little teeth are crazy sharp, so if you play with her, don’t get your fingers too close to her mouth. Seriously. She loves peek-a-boo and has developed an adoration for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” She wants to stand as often as possible and loves to walk (quickly!) when both hands are held. She’s even occasionally brave enough to take a few steps holding just one of our hands. Her balance is getting better each day, and she has tried standing on her own for just a moment a handful of times. We’re excited to see the progress she’ll make over the next month as she keeps trying new things and gaining more confidence. We’ll keep you posted!
We’ve spotted tooth number 2! It was preceeded by another challenging night of off-and-on sleep by all of us, so we suspected something was coming our way. Sunday morning we discovered the new tooth. It’s a little hard to be able to see them since that requires Ella to hold still and not stick out her tongue or try to suck on our fingers. She’s drooling and chewing on everything she can get her hands on. It’s pretty cute and, most importantly, she seems to be feeling just fine.
We’ve discovered Ella’s first tooth! Two nights ago, Ella woke during the night and we just couldn’t figure out why. I changed her diaper and Pete rocked her, but she wouldn’t stop crying. He then checked her over to make sure nothing was wrong and had the ingenious idea of feeling her gums. Low and behold, we could feel a little something on the bottom. We eventually soothed her back to sleep. Yesterday that little bugger broke through her gums and can now be seen – if she will allow us to open her mouth, hold back her tongue, and not move for the two seconds it takes to catch a glimpse of it. This morning we can feel it a little more and I heard it scrape across one of her toys as she chewed mercilessly on it after breakfast today. We’re thankful for the little frozen chew things that Grandma Olsen gave Ella at Christmas. She seems to find some relief in them. The only thing now is to decide if I should let her soak the front of her shirt today or put a bib on her. That girl produces an amazing amount of drool while teething.
Speaking of teeth…Ella has been exploring the world of food lately. We’ve discovered that she loves oatmeal, squash, sweet potatoes, and (the newest adventure) peaches. Maybe she just likes the color orange? She does not, however, like bananas. We’ll try those again in a few weeks. In the meantime, we’ll keep trying new flavors. Who knew this mama could have so much fun choosing her little girl’s next food sampling?