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When we were house shopping in Duluth recently, we stayed a couple nights at a hotel just outside of town. Ella developed an attachment to the sink. She loved the pipes! And she was just the right hight to be able to stand underneath it and not hit her head. No worries – we checked to make sure things were clean and that she couldn’t wiggle anything out of place. The sink was right in the room, not enclosed in the bathroom, so she was able to play to her heart’s content. And play she did.

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Brighton Beach

On a recent trip to Duluth, we spent part of an afternoon at Brighton Beach. It’s one of our favorite places there, but seriously, we have a pretty long list of favorite places in Duluth. The day was gorgeous – blue water, blue sky, and a happy little girl. Ella thought that exploring the dashboard of the Jeep was great fun. In just a few weeks we’ll be close enough to spend lots of afternoons at Brighton!


Ella's New Book

Last week Grandma & Grandpa Olsen visited us and brought Ella a special gift. It was an adorable Noah’s Ark cloth book. I think that Grandpa Olsen even picked it out himself! Ella has enjoyed playing with it everyday since their visit. She especially likes the monkey that hangs on a string on one page and the elephant’s trunk that sticks out on another page.

Ella really does have a fascination with books. As we read together, she touches all of the pictures, turns the pages, and laughs at brightly colored illustrations. Being a reading teacher and long-time theatre person, reading to Ella is one of my favorite things. It makes me very happy that she seems to love to read already!

a photo from Grandma & Grandpa Olsen


Ella's Stroll

The quality of this video isn’t great since it was taken on my phone, but I thought it was pretty cute. Ella’s friend, Amelia, lent this to her for a little while. She loves it!

PS. I just added a FOLLOW function in the sidebar on the right. If you like staying up on the Little Olsen blog, simply click the button to follow us!


Earth Day 5k

Yesterday we made a trip to St Cloud for the Earth Day 5k. The decision to run the race all the way up in St Cloud was an easy one since today is Ella’s Great-Grandpa’s birthday (my grandpa). Going to St Cloud meant that we would get to see him right before his big day. Grandma & Grandpa Scott met us there and we all went out to dinner before the race.

It was a blast having everyone on the sidelines at the race, my first one of this season. The course was along the Mississippi River through the St Cloud State campus. It was nice, especially the narrower trail along the river for the last mile. The sun was shining, people were cheering, and the fam was in attendance. We had a great time!

Happy birthday, Great-Grandpa Scott!
waiting for the race to start
with my grandma after the race

photos from Grandpa Scott


A Leaf?

A few days ago, Ella and I met up with some of our friends for a walk to the park. Ella loves to be around other kids, so she was thrilled to sit in the grass – and the sand – with Bella and Liam. We had snacks and Ella munched on her puffs. Puffs are her current favorite. Each time I take them out of the cupboard she gets excited. We’re working on teaching her to sign “please” before she gets them, but she hasn’t really picked up the skill yet. At one point while we were enjoying our snacks, I looked over to see Ella with a leaf in her mouth. Apparently we’ll also have to work on what snacks are and are not. Everything at the moment goes straight to the mouth. No worries, Ella! We’ll figure it out!

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