This afternoon I found Ella digging through Pete’s bag and pulling out random books, pens, and papers. We worked together to clean up and return all of Daddy’s things to the appropriate places, but I guess we left something out. A couple hours later, I discovered Ella’s bear, Wilbur, with this book on his lap. Do you think Ella was giving her first medical lesson? Or maybe she’s taking after Mama and teaching Wilbur to read.
I keep telling myself that I’ll get around to posting pics from Grandma’s marathon, but now that nearly an entire month has gone by since the big race, I think it’s as good a time as any.
When I was pregnant, I decided that I wanted to run a marathon after the baby was born. Not just any marathon. I wanted to run Grandma’s Marathon, a nationally recognized running event held every June in Duluth. I’ve done the half (13.1 miles) twice before but had never attempted the full (26.2 miles). I registered in August of last summer so I couldn’t back out and started training in January. I enjoy running, but it’s never been a huge part of my routine. I didn’t start running at all until a few years ago. In training for a full, though, it had to become a part of my regular workouts. I’ve been doing P90X (an extreme at-home workout & nutrition program) for over three years, which gave me a great base for running. I read a couple books, chose a training plan, bought the right equipment, and started putting on miles.
I am happy to say that on Saturday, June 19 I completed my goal of running my first marathon, and I did it in under 5 hours (another goal). My parents, sister, niece, and dear friend Shauna were all on the sidelines cheering alongside my two favorite fans – Pete & Ella. What a day!
My brother Jake & I rode the shuttle to Two Harbors for the start of the race. This was the third time he’s run the full marathon during Grandma’s weekend, and he got his best time! He finished in 3:51. Nice work, Jake!
Pete, Ella & Shauna cheered for runners while waiting for me to pass. Ella even wore my jacket.
Ella took a nap.
And played.
After I ran by them, they hurried down to the finish. Here is a pic of Pete handing Ella to me as I came down the last stretch.
Ella & I finished together!
26.2 miles!
Thanks to decent training, great support from Pete, my fam, and friends, and with the help of Sally (my new friend I met at mile 2 and ran with through the next 24 miles) my marathon experience was amazing. I actually think I might do another!
Last night we took Ella to The PortLand Malt Shoppe for her very first taste of ice cream. We decided that she should have her own little cone for the occasion and bought her a scoop of New York cherry. We sat on a picnic table and I held the cone out for her to taste. As soon as she took that first bite, she didn’t want to have anything to do with me. She insisted on holding the cone herself and took bite after bite. Should I have expected anything else? I mean, what was it that I made a staple of my diet during the last two weeks before she was born? Ice cream! It’s probably an innate comfort food for her. She did get a little fussy at the end of our trip, but that was only because it was past her bedtime (which you can see in the video). All in all, we had a blast watching Ella experience her first ice cream cone!
Today when Pete got home from the clinic, Ella and I went to greet him and give him his welcome home kisses. When it was Ella’s turn, she reached out, grabbed his tie, pulled him close, and planted a big kiss right on his lip. This is exactly how a little girl wins her daddy’s heart.