Recently, I was a part of leading up an amazing event at our church here in Duluth. We hosted a spa morning and invited every woman we could think of in the city. Most of it was done by word of mouth, which was really fun. One small group Bible study even went to a women’s shelter to paint nails and personally invite them to the big event. The morning was titled Isn’t She Lovely, and it honestly felt like every woman felt that way as they were pampered for absolutely no cost. What an event to be a part of!
Here you can see the coffee bar area ready for serving breakfast. Volunteers (tons of women from the church) and guests ate eggs and muffins and breads while chatting and warming up from the snowy outdoors. It was delish!
Every guest and volunteer had a name tag. Don’t you love the way they were created with the woman’s name in the middle?
Guests signed up for appointment times in order to avoid having to stand in line for services. These babies filled up incredibly fast when the doors opened at 9:30. The most popular? Massages and hair cut & styles.
We also offered foot soaks and pedicures.
Look, magazines to read while they soaked their feet. Someone was thinking!
Another area was facials and make up. This was one area that I oversaw. No, I didn’t apply make up to any of the lovely ladies that morning. I just got lots of things put together, contacted volunteers and leaders, and made sure everything went smoothly during the event.
Everything was donated for the event. It was to see it all come in. Stylists and make up artists who had never been to the church donated time and supplies. Aveda and Mary Kay make up and hair products, lots of things from Alta and The Body Shop, O.P.I. polishes and so much more.
Manicures and paraffin waxes were also very popular.
How is it even possible to choose with all those options?
Here you can see a few of the women having their hair cut and styled. It smelled and looked just like a salon! And, to be completely honest, I couldn’t help but get teary while watching these beautiful women. The hearts of the stylists were pouring out as they were on their feet racing to get as many cuts done as possible. Most of them even stayed more than an hour past the end of the event to make sure they got through everyone who had made an appointment. And the ladies getting the cuts? I’m pretty sure that many of them haven’t been to a stylist in years, if ever. It was fun to see how much they enjoyed it.
Here are some ladies in the make up area. On the right you can see where women were getting manis.
By the end of the morning, over 370 women had been pampered. Music was playing, ladies were chatting and smiling and showing off their gorgeous looks. Tons of kids got to play in the VineyardKids area and have a blast. I can’t tell you how much fun it was to be a part of the team of leaders and dreamers for Isn’t She Lovely. We’re dreaming up even more for next year. In the meantime, it’ll be fun to reconnect with some of the new ladies I met at the spa.