Unintentionally, cupcakes were plentiful last week in the Olsen house. I thought I’d share a few of them with you.
This first pink one was actually not completely made at home. I taught my mom and the other ladies at our fun weekend in St Cloud how to decorate a cupcake. As my mom says, you know it’s a good cupcake when there is just as much frosting as cake. I couldn’t agree more! Chocolate cupcakes with raspberry frosting. And sprinkles, of course.
Here is just one of the quad of cupcakes delivered to our dear neighbors the day before they moved away. Chocolate cupcake with almond frosting.
This is what we took next door. Each was slightly individualized for a specific member of the family.
This was a quick one for Ella’s afternoon snack. I topped the chocolate cupcake with whipped cream and a blackberry. She loved it.
These lovelies were made for our new neighbors the day after they moved in. All chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. The middle has mini chocolate chips with a mini Chips Ahoy cookie, a few had raspberries, and the others were just sprinkles.
The cake plate awaited with similar cakes as the photo above. These were for a girls dessert night I hosted on Friday. There’s never enough chocolate with girls around.
And this little beauty is my new cupcake cook book, given to me by my sweet friend Zaundia. My first recipe was mint frosting. Yummy yummy yummy. How long do you suppose it would take me to bake my way through all 500 recipes?? It’s a nice thought.
Oh, cupcakes. They really are lovely little treats, aren’t they?