Last week, Ella & I spent two afternoons finishing our flower planting while Daddy worked on the lawn. We don’t get many days like that when we’re all working at the same time, so we really enjoyed it. Ella especially liked playing in the dirt. Are we surprised?
Pretty, pretty flowers! And a pretty girl.
At one point, Ella was digging through the soil bag and stumbled backward right into the flower pot! She wasn’t very happy about it at first.
Her little bottom fit right inside the pot.
I couldn’t help but laugh and laugh.
That’s when she realized it probably wasn’t such an awful thing to be stuck in a flower pot.
Many of you are aware of my dive into summer classes this week. After a lovely three-week break of doing nearly anything I wanted, I am back at it.
Two classes. Seven grad credits. Four weeks. (On top of this already busy schedule.)
Holy moly.
I’m thankful for grandparents who stay for a week to play with Ella while I’m in class. I’m thankful for an incredible husband who sends encouraging texts during class. (Remember? I sit in the back row. It’s totally manageable.) I’m thankful for a cozy little Annex in the basement that is all my own. And I’m very thankful for the opportunity to study some really cool stuff.
Only one week of on-campus class. Then it’s all online goodness for three more weeks. That equals nap time study sessions and coffee shop visits after the man of the house finishes work. And because I’m doing these two elective classes at one time this summer, I’ll be absolutely free of any academic responsibility all next summer. Lovely.
I discovered an interesting thought as I sat in the grass during a class break on campus today. This may or may not make any sense to you, but it feels like it has a whole lot of meaning to me. I realized that, at age 29 and on my second round of degree-seeking status, I am now the person I dreamed of being when I was an undergrad student. I am only a small resemblance of the person I was ten years ago. I desired confidence and an ease of handling daily life. I desired clothes that fit right that maybe even had a hint of style. I desired afternoons sitting lazily in the grass outside campus buildings, eating a decently healthy, non-dining center meal, while listening to quality music and working through meaningful class assignments. I did those things today. I don’t mean it in a stuck-up way at all. Not like an “I’ve made it. Look at me now” thing. It’s just that, as I sat possessing so many of the qualities that I could only imagine ten years ago, I realized all of the amazing things God has done in me. I guess it took a moment like that, while sitting in the same place I used to sit between theatre classes, to recognize the journey of this life. I’m completely humbled and totally excited all at the same time.
And with that, I’m saying goodnight to Stacy Kent on Pandora, closing the computer, and heading to bed. The morning workout comes early.
Thirty years ago today, my parents stood at the front of a small church in Wadena, Minnesota and promised before God and one another that they would love and support each other through thick and thin. Thirty amazing, eventful, adventurous, trying, and joyful years. Not all of it has been a walk in the park, as no marriage ever is, but they have held to the promise they made and continue to believe in the unity that God created between them. It’s beautiful and inspiring.
And what will they be doing for their anniversary? Taking this mama and her Ella to Colorado! What?! That’s right, my friends, we get to accompany them on their special anniversary trip at the end of August. We’re very much looking forward to it. Lots of hiking, shopping, swimming, and sight seeing. And I’ve promised that Ella and I will get away for a couple days to give them a little alone time. It only seems fair since it is their anniversary vacation, after all.
Thank you, Mom & Dad, for the example you’ve been in my marriage and for showing me what it means to truly love someone. I love you both!
This post has been brought to you during class. That’s why it’s beneficial to sit in the back row & get through assignments in a reasonable amount of time. 🙂
A couple weeks ago, Miss Ella, Uncle Jake & I cruised down to Moose Lake State Park to celebrate a very special day. Not only was it Mother’s Day, but it was also my mama’s birthday. Pete was on call, so we had already celebrated my Mother’s Day. Therefore, the day was all for grandma.
We started with a picnic of hot dogs over the fire, which Ella clearly loved.
Then we hit the trails with Grandma & puppy Gracie.
Ella was all about the lake and grass and ants. She’s an outdoor girlie.
Then it was time for cake and gifts. After sitting in the sun during our hike, the cake was a little melty. Still the same chocolatey-peanut butter goodness! (And don’t you just love her shirt?)
Here was the pre-melted cake. Chocolate with chocolate-peanut butter frosting, mini chocolate chips, and little peanut butter cups. Yum!