Day one is off & running. We’re trying the whole three-day method thing. That’s a lot of potty time. I’m already growing quite fond of the basement bathroom. I usually only spend time in there doing laundry. I’m glad it’s nice & cool! I’ll let you know later how we manage. 🙂
Frank & Sally, the lovely owners of the house where we’re staying, often host lunches and tea parties for people in the area. Yesterday, a large group came to celebrate a 75th birthday party and Sally asked if I would like to make the cake. After 1/2 a second of contemplation, I decided that I would love to make the cake. I started brainstorming about possibilities and flavors and colors and wasn’t quite sure what we’d go with. Then, on Sunday morning, it came to me.
A rose cake. Chocolate cake with raspberry buttercream.
This was the first rose cake that I’ve made, and I’m quite pleased with how it turned out! The table set for lunch and tea created a lovely backdrop for pictures.
Honestly, the hardest part was trying to keep Ella’s fingers off of it! I started at the kitchen table and had to move to the counter. Then she wanted me to hold her, which wasn’t going to happen. There are many things I can do while holding a wiggly two-year-old, but decorating this cake is not one of them. Sally helped keep her busy while I finished the cake and popped it in the fridge to keep until the party. I’ll definitely be making this again in the future!
I mentioned earlier that Pete did something fun on the night of July 4th while Ella and I watched the fireworks in Aitkin, but I haven’t yet revealed with it was. All I said was that it had nothing to do with medicine. What could it have been?
Mini Donuts!
That’s right, Pete spent the night selling donuts at the park in town.
He was really good at it! Great customer service.
Two siblings of the couple we’re staying with in Aitkin have a mini donut truck that they set up in town every year on the 4th. Pete was thrilled to be asked to help on the big night. I think he was pretty cute in there with that apron on!
Now we know we have something to fall back on if medicine doesn’t work out!
The sugar high has passed, so I think it’s finally time to post a few (well, more than just a few) pictures of Miss Ella’s 2nd birthday party. I spent a few days one week of my school break to make all the decorations, which turned out to be a smart move. Once the party rolled around, I was so busy with school that it would have been impossible to do any decorating at all.
Welcome to the birthday party!
Instead of balloons, we hung white paper lanterns in the big tree out front.
These paper fans welcomed guests over the front door.
We didn’t spend any time at all in the living room, but this bunting was hung over the fireplace. Not sure if anyone saw it. That’s okay, though! I made it from fabric, so it will now hang in Ella’s room.
My favorite was the strawberry fabric.
These party hats were made from heavy scrapbook paper with ribbon sewn across the bottom.
Miss Ella had her own cupcake party hat!
The cupcake bar…
…with 3 cake flavors and 4 frosting flavors…
…and lots of sprinkles and candy toppings.
The front of the party table.
Bubbles and chalk in the back yard!
Some of our party friends.
Finally time to EAT the cupcakes! Ella had her very own jumbo cake.
Ella preferred sitting in the middle of the floor than in her chair. We went with it! She was the birthday girl, after all.
Elias was super excited about his cupcake.
Look at that creation! Amazing!
Miss Malena enjoyed her cupcake on the floor near Ella.
Mama Bex and Malena.
A wagon full of gifts!
The girl knows her style!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who was able to join us for the party! We had a great time!
*thanks to Auntie Kristin for a few of the birthday pictures*