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Colorado: Day 5 in Salida

Last night Ella & I arrived in Salida to visit our dear friends the Folmans. Ben & Jenny moved out to Salida last March to take over the lead pastor position at the Vineyard church. A great adventure from God, but we were sad to see them leave. I used to watch the boys, Caleb & Owen, every Friday in Duluth. We loved seeing them again, even if it was for a very short time.
We made the most of it! This morning we all played at the park & Caleb got to show off his sweet bike moves (muddy, muddy, muddy). Then Sophia took me to Fringe, an adorable fabric shop. I bought a great pattern for a tunic top, but we’ll have to see if I can squeeze it in before classes start. Ella loved getting ice cream with Owen and the rest of us before we had to say goodbye. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we see our friends again!
1: Ella was hooked on the mini guitar
2: She also loved this horse at the playground
3: Caleb got impressively muddy on his bike!
4: Ben & Jenny in matching shirts. How sweet. (I can attest to the fact thay it was completely unintentional.)
5: Miss Sophia, who turns 8 tomorrow, with the sorbet that matched her outfit.


Colorado: Day 4

1: Swimming at Keystone. (I still can’t get over the view!)
2: A quick stop at the Continental Divide on our way down to Salida to spend the night with our good friends, the Folmans


Colorado: Day 3

Oh no! The end of my post was cut off! Here is what it said:

After getting coffee, we drove over the mountains to Breckenridge. An adorable town! We walked up & down the steeets before the shops opened and eventually visited a few once the town came alive. My only purchase was a recipe binder for all of my recipe collections, something I’d been looking for for a few months. We eventually settled in at my Mom’s favorite restaurant in town – a yummy Mexican place. (I do wonder, though, how many restaurants in Breckenridge she’s visited. She tends to stick to the same place once she finds something she likes. It’s an endearing quality my mother has.) 

Just up the street was a little cupcake shop, so we definitely stopped. Ella & I shared a Rocky Mountain cupcake to honor our vacay locale. She got most of the frosting. 

On our way back to Keystone, we stopped at an overlook and found a whole lot of incredibly social chipmunks. Ella fed them right out of her hand! I have video too, but I dont know if I can post it from my phone at the moment. 
We ended the day by watching a mountain bike race on the mountains right behind our condo. It was exciting! I especially liked watching the 10 year-olds. 

Lots to see & do tomorrow! First…sleep. I’m exhausted!


Colorado: Day 3

We began the day with a walk down to Starbucks, which is in our little ski village here. That was right after Miss Ella’s hair cut by yours truly. The back was a little wild, so I trimmed it to match the rest of her hair. I think it’s very cute. :).


Colorado: Day 2

We spent nearly the entire day outside today. It was lovely! We began with a 7 mile walk along the river, followed by a dip in the pool. During Ella’s nap, my mom & I did a little shopping. Then the little Miss accompanied me on a trip to Frisco to have tea with our friend Sierra. Sierra moved out here from Duluth just 6 weeks ago to work with AmeriCorps. Ella had a great tine riding down the sidewalk on her skateboard. All we had left to do in the day was read the new book Ella got at an adorable shop in Frisco where she also met a gigantic dog named Flash.


Colorado: Day 2

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