I love lemon. It’s so light and fresh. Even in cleaning products. Mmm. But maybe I shouldn’t be mentioning cleaning products. I’m leaning more in the direction of lemony edible goodness.
I found this recipe last week as I searched for a simple cookie recipe to bake and take to the State Fair. It’s not that I don’t like fair food, but holy moly, it gets spendy. This was a nice, light treat to have in the stroller for the fam as we put the miles on walking through the fair grounds.
Here’s what you need:
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 egg
1/4 cups lemon juice
1 lemon, zested*
1/2 tsp vanilla
*For zested lemon: Wash a lemon. Using a zester or fine grater, grate the peel of the lemon. For this recipe, use the peel of the entire lemon.
Whisk together flour, soda, and salt. In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar until creaming (about 5 mins). Beat in eggs, one at a time. Beat in the lemon juice, lemon zest, and vanilla. For even more lemon flavor, cut the lemon and squeeze the juice into the cookie dough. Gently mix in flour mixture.
Chill dough for about 30 minutes. Scoop onto a cookie sheet using a spoon or small cookie scoop. Sprinkle white sugar over the top of each cookie. Bake at 350 until edges brown, about 9-10 minutes.
perfect with a cup of coffee
Tomorrow I’ll have pics from our trip to the Minnesota State Fair!
This was the first day that we saw a lot of rain. We began the morning with all-you-can-eat pancakes here at the campground (yum!) and spent the rest of the morning playing games in the cabin. After we all took an afternoon nap, it finally cleared enough to venture toward Mount Rushmore. When we arrived, the fog was just rolling out. What a sight it was! We hiked all around the monument, explored history exhibits, ate buffalo chili in the cafe, and watched the evening lighting ceremony just after dark. A full afternoon & evening. Now we’re packed up an ready to hit the road at 5am tomorrow. Ella & I will be back in Duluth by midnight. It’s been a great trip, but I can’t wait to see Pete! Ten days is enough for me. ๐ Photos 1: the fog rolling out as we arrived at Mount Rushmore 2: with my girlie 3: a view from under their noses 4: somebody should be watxhin that kid… 5: a girl in a cave
This morning we said goodbye to the fair village of Keystone, Colorado and made our way to another Keystone. Interesting, isn’t it? We are now staying near Keystone, South Dakota, only a few munutes from the majestic Mount Rushmore. Tomorrow we’ll explore the park and see the gigantic stone carvings. Of course it will be a first for Ella, but it will be one for me, too. When we visited Mount Rushmore when I was a mere four years of age, it was too foggy to see. I’m really looking forward to the adventure. On our way through Denver this morning, we had the opportunity to visit Mile High Vineyard. That’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I really enjoy listening to Pastor Jay Pathak’s messages on iTunes, especially when I’m running. He’s young & funny & a great teacher. You can find his messages on iTunes by searching for Mile High Vineyard. We’re all tucked in bed in our little cabin and it’s only 9:20. Our excuse is that we’re moving back to Central Time so it’s 10:20. The truth, though, is that we’re going through a sort of rest from our vacation. Isn’t that a funny concept? We’ve been moving & moving, so now we need a rest. We’ll take it easy tomorow in the hopes that we’ll return from our vacation refreshed. Either way, it’s been great! Photos 1: a lunch stop made one little girl very happy. Isn’t that why they call them Happy Meals? 2: hiding from Papa in the back seat 3: our little cabin for Sunday & Monday nights 4 & 5: at Hill City Cafe for dinner
Today we spent the entire day in Breckenridge for the finish of stage 5 of the first ever USA Pro Cycle Challenge. It’s pretty much the Tour de France of the US. It was amazing! We jumped on a shuttle to Breck at 9:30 am, found a city bench in the shade, and camped out for 6 hours. We were about 30 yards from the finish line and sat right behind the VIP seats. I’d never been to anything like this, so it was all very new to me. When the cyclists finally made it across the finish, they were moving so quickly it was hard to see them! We stayed to watch the awards ceremony afyer the race and saw them award each of the prestigious jerseys. It was a really fun experience! Photos 1: Ella ready with her cow bell before the race 2: our spot in the shade 3: watching live coverage of the race on an enormous screen 4: right befire the finishers came in 5: with Ella at the finish. She had a great day, although the pic doesn’t exactly depict that. ๐
Tonight we took a ride up the mountain in a gondola. Ella thought it was great! We went up & up & up. Once we reached the top, we saw gorgeous panoramics of the mountainous skyline. We truly got to see an amazing part of God’s creation! Photos 1: the view from the gondola 2: at the top 3: Grandma & Papa 4: exploring 5: the sandbox at the bottom of the mountain