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Introducing The Little Yellow Kitchen

Over the past couple years I’ve shared many baking ideas and some of my favorite recipes on this blog. I always find such joy in discovering something new and posting it here to share with those of you who might stumble across it and perhaps even try it out yourself. That is why I’ve chosen to officially announce the beginning of a new adventure right here on my first full day of being 30. 
I’d like to introduce you to…

The Little Yellow Kitchen first came as a fun thought when I was doing a lot of baking just after Ella was born two years ago. I wanted something fun to label my baking. Eventually, it came to me. The Little Yellow Kitchen. Why yellow? A few reasons, actually, but the main reason was that my Grandma Johnson’s kitchen was yellow while I was growing up. It was a lovely place to watch Grandma prepare dinner, eat cookies and cake, listen to stories from my mom’s childhood, and color in Grandma’s old coloring books using crayons stored in the Whitman’s Sampler chocolate box. I loved the thought of tying those memories in with my baking.
a rose cake for a tea party

Through the past two years, I’ve had lots of opportunities to try more recipes and experiment with designs. Just over a year ago, I designed my first cupcake and have since done multiple events of more than 200 cupcakes at a time. I’ve been asked to do retirement, birthday, and graduation parties, baby and wedding showers, big church events, and weddings. Six months ago I tried fondant for the first time and am now having a ball designing intricate, multi-tiered cakes.

a jungle cake for Miss Malena

As requests have become more numerous, I’ve been dreaming about what it might be like to start a real business. When I first had the idea, I was more than a little nervous. What about all the regulations and taxes and…expectations? If people would be paying me, that would mean I’d really have to do an outstanding job. I kept thinking about the fact that I still have three semesters of grad school and a full-time job taking care of Miss Ella and the house while trying to see my dear husband who is always incredibly busy with residency. So, after lots of nervous thinking and telling myself it just wouldn’t work, I finally prayed about it. I know it should have come up earlier in the process, but my mind was too busy with the what-ifs and such.

cupcakes for my cousin’s wedding

After a decent amount of prayer – and a healthy amount of questioning – I started to feel like God might be telling me it’s okay to go after this. It’s been confirmed in some fun ways (like people I admire telling me to go after it and “randomly” coming across scripture about artistic abilities and the like). So here I am. Announcing to you that I am officially moving ahead with The Little Yellow Kitchen. I even have a website! And my very own logo! And very soon, I’ll also have business cards! I guess that makes it pretty real, doesn’t it.

a hobbit cake for my brother’s birthday

The one very important area that has still not come through is the kitchen. In Minnesota, it is required to be licensed by the state and to work out of a licensed kitchen in order to do any catering. At first I thought this would be easy with all the churches in the city. However, for various reasons, churches want to stay away from allowing a regular business to work out of their kitchens. Could you please pray with me on this? Everything will be absolutely official the moment I find a kitchen. I’ve already spoken with the gentleman who will do the licensing.

a small wedding cake for my cousin

 So for now, I am doing some small jobs for people that I know, but there will not be any major advertising until I am licensed. I can’t wait until that time comes! I surely want it before Christmas. Just think of all the fun holiday cakes and pies that can be made for Christmas! I’ll be searching and praying for the right kitchen.

a graduation/birthday party

 You can find more on The Little Yellow Kitchen at It’s in its beginning stages, but I’ll be making changes as things progress. I do hope you’ll be seeing more of this lovely logo in the weeks to come!

The logo was designed by Jordan at Tin Cup Design.


30 Things I Love: Part III

Here are the last ten items on my list of 30 Things I Love. There are so many things that have been left off the list. These are just 30 very random things.

Be sure to check in tomorrow for a special birthday post!

My Motorcycle
10,000 miles on two wheels. crazy adventures.
an amazing ministry. we began sponsoring Esther in Tanzania almost 2 years ago.
for more info, click here
online shopping where everything is handmade
find it here
casual or dressy, I could wear one everyday
found here
Elephants & Birds
adorable on their own. even more so when they’re together.
found here
Hair Fascinators
sweet & romantic. i’ve worn this one to a few weddings this summer.
found here
 charity: water
getting clean water to those who need it most
for more info, click here
Jackie O’s Wardrobe
chic & lovely

Shutterfly Photo Books
so much faster & cheaper than scrapbooking with all our special memories in one place
found here

pete talked me into it. now i don’t know what I’d do without it.


30 Things I Love: Part II (Kitchen)

Continuing with the 30 Things I Love, today I’m focusing on kitchen items. Since the kitchen is one of my favorite places, it was hard to narrow it down to just ten, but I did my best. So, in no particular order, here they are! (Click here if you missed the first ten items.)

Cake Stands
vintage. modern. colorful or not, they add a lovely touch.

 Robert Mondavi Wine
we visited the winery in Napa Valley in 2008. wonderfully made & a perfect gift.

a feminine touch to any kitchen task
found here
Flowers in Glass Jars
happy. colorful. smell amazing.
straight from the oven to the table. i have them in french white.

Fabric Shopping Bags
reusable with a whole lot more character than plastic
found here
 Handwritten Recipe Cards
there’s something special about a recipe being handwritten
found here
a mini cake makes everything more fun
from this post on Little Olsen
 Kitchen Aid Mixer
makes nearly every recipe easier. mine is white.

Colorful Kitchen Towels
change the entire look of the room with one simple tea towel
found here


30 Things I Love: Part I

I can’t believe this is the first day of my 30th birthday week. I used to think that you’re supposed to feel dread as such a monumental birthday approaches, but I am far from that. I am thrilled. Part of this came from the fact that, just 18 months ago, Pete had great satisfaction in turning 30. His attitude encouraged me to think about what I truly felt about turning 30. I’ve realized, with much delight, that I have a lot of amazing things going on right now! I think I’ll save those details until I reflect on my birthday on the actual day, which is Wednesday the 28th.

As I was reflecting on things that bring me great joy…and giddiness…this morning, I realized that there are many, many things. So that’s what I’m going to focus on. Things I love. Emphasis on things. I realize there are many people and thoughts and such that I greatly enjoy, but when do I get to compile a list of things that I love? Since it’s my birthday, I’m taking full advantage of getting to do whatever I want. (If that doesn’t sound like a little girl, I don’t know what does.)

Today I’ll start with the first ten. Then I’ll post ten more each of the next two days. Maybe you’ll find some joy in the little things I love, too!

Coffee Mugs
perfect for warm hands on a chilly day
found here

Vintage Bicycles

the shape. the wheels. the basket with flowers.
found here
Jane Austen
her stories are delightful. i feel as though she understands.
Vintage Typewriters
 the mystery in the stories they’ve told.
Unique/Original Dolls
she just makes me smile.
found here
outside. fresh. delicious.
 Handmade Cards
personal & thoughtful
found here
 with a cup of coffee & a great book
found here
Thrift Shopping
it’s cheap & has tons of character
sweetly hidden & completely romantic
found here


Photo Friday: Riding the River


Photo Friday: (on Sunday) Ella's Cake

A few days ago I had a lovely little cake sitting on the table in the nook. Miss Ella was playing in the kitchen while I made her lunch. As soon as I stepped out of the kitchen into the dining room, she quickly climbed up to the cake. When I walked back in, this is what I saw.

I stayed very quiet to see what she would do. It didn’t take long before she hoisted herself up next to the cake and helped herself. She still didn’t know I was watching.

Once she looked up and noticed me, she said, “Ella’s cupcake.” A moment later, she looked at me with very innocent eyes and asked, “Mama’s cupcake?”

Yes, Love, that was Mama’s cupcake. Good thing it was only a practice cake.

Design by: Bumble + Buzz Design // Copyright © The Mango Memoirs