Last weekend we took our little ladybug to church for the annual Harvest Party. She enjoyed it so much more than last year since she was actually able to play a few games and ask for candy. Pete & I had fun watching her reactions to everything.
ella’s first photo booth!
face painting
ella’s “parkly” shoes. she wears them everyday now.
After spending the first part of our day in Bayfield in town for Apple Fest, we drove out to Erickson’s Orchard, the same orchard we visit every year. Ella liked the big pumpkins, but she LOVED picking apples. Fortunately, apples trees hang low enough that she was able to pick her very own. We had to keep an eye on her, though, so she wouldn’t try to take a bite out of each. In these pictures you can see her little apple dress from my Aunt Jean. Isn’t it perfect?
We love Apple Fest!
Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of Miss Ella in her Halloween costume!
I saw this adorable mummy in a Martha craft email this week and couldn’t resist trying it with Ella. Martha suggested using crepe paper, but I found this great plaster stuff at Saver’s a couple months ago and was just waiting to use it. In elementary school art class I created an entire Italian meal using similar plaster material and loved it. It was easy enough for Ella to use! She soaked it in the water and I shaped it. We attached a pair of googly eyes and that was that! Our own little mummy! And that’s about as Halloween as we get.
Never to miss our beloved Apple Fest, we recently made the trek to Bayfield, Wisconsin for the apple festivities. This time we took our new friends, Eli & Krista, to partake in the joy of apple picking, cheese curds, apple chili, and brisk, fall air. It was a gorgeous day to be outside, taking in the loveliness of the small town.
Ella with her new friend, Eli.
We have pictures with this cuddly creature on every Bayfield trip. Ella was a bit hesitant at first
but a quick cuddle helped break the ice
then she couldn’t leave without a kiss.
Our first food stop is, without argument or a second thought, for cheese curds.
Apparently, the doctors recommend them!
Nice work, Daddy. Show her how it’s done.
Hanging out on the pier.
Can you tell she’s crazy about her daddy?
We love this bridge. It’s beauty is inexplicable, particularly in the fall. A single path runs beneath it, surrounded by thick trees in all shades of autumn. In the distance, there is a gorgeous, sparkling view of Lake Superior and the sailboats between Bayfield and Madeline Island.
After spending the first half of the day in town, we headed out to the orchards. Ella loved picking the little red fruit off the trees all on her own, and we have plenty of pictures to prove it! Those will be coming soon…
On Wednesday I made this little apron during Ella’s nap. Yes, I could have been doing school work, but I had been thinking about making this baby for weeks and didn’t want to put it off any longer. Such a lovely way to spend a quiet nap time!
hanging slightly crooked
I’ve made quite a few of these aprons through the last year. I’ve got the pattern down now, so they don’t take long. It’s fun to look for different fabrics to put together to fit the person who will be getting it. I won’t say who this one is for since it’s a gift that hasn’t been gifted yet.
pocket detail
I originally created the pattern from a vintage apron my Aunt Jean found for me at a garage sale. I would have just kept using that apron, but it was getting pretty worn. I basically put the apron down on newspaper and cut the same shape for the pattern. Over time I’ve made a few changes, including adding the pocket frill in the photo above. I like the character it adds.
back view
I made mini versions of these aprons for Ella’s birthday and for my nieces Hailey and Malena at Christmas last year. They’re pretty adorable when they’re that small! I’ll try to find pictures of those and post them before long. Coming soon: our Apple Fest adventure!