I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much I don’t know as a mom. It’s not that I necessarily feel terrible about it. I’m just recognizing the fact that there is a countless list of things I would love to know about being a wife and mom that I just don’t. I feel there are secrets to motherhood that I haven’t been told, and I really, really want to find out what they are.
Do you ever wish we could live in a big community of families just to give us the opportunity to watch how women with more experience do things? Some cultures do this incredibly well. However, I feel like we so often end up living fairly isolated lives on a daily basis, making it almost impossible to know what the same tasks look like for others in similar situations. Yes, we can have play dates and coffee dates and be a part of moms groups and Bible studies and life groups, but how much do we get to dig into the dirt of real life in those settings? I would love to be a fly on the wall in a few different households of women I admire. I would take notes on how the house is kept in neat but livable fashion, how the mamas interact with the children, how much time they put into creative activities, what they do for family meals, how they make time for their own projects and goals, and how they love on their husbands in the midst of the constant pull of young children. I know there are books and blogs and YouTube videos about all of the above, but it’s not the same when we are living in our ‘for real’ settings.
The one time in my life that I feel I got to experience such community was when we were living at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya last year. There were at least five families living in immediate proximity to us. We would all open our doors in the mid-morning and let the kids run out into the grass, eventually hopping on bikes and scooters or running around as superheroes. It was during that time, when the parents would sit and chat while the kids played, that I soaked in a lot about how different parents do life. I didn’t get many weeks with the families, but I got a tiny taste of a really amazing way to do life. I would love to have that experience here in the States! I don’t know what I need to do to make that happen, but believe me, I’m asking God about it and discussing it with friends. That’s the tricky part, though. I feel like my friends are awesome (because you are!), but I really want to learn from more experienced women who have already been through this phase of life I’m walking through right now. I want to steep in their experiences and knowledge. Why should we feel like we have to reinvent the wheel when so many parents have already lived similar lives before us?
Friends, I would just love your thoughts on this. Do you have these same feelings? Do you have mentors who have taught you how this can be done? Do you feel like you have this kind of community already? I am truly longing for this kind of life. Are you?
When a friend texts after dinner asking if you’d like their baseball tickets for the next day’s game, you don’t hesitate. You don’t even check the calendar. You simply, yet quickly, reply that yes, yes of course we would love to help take care of those summer baseball tickets for you. Because that’s what summer is, right? Sitting outside watching baseball games, eating hotdogs and pretzels dipped in melty cheese, sipping up ginormous cups of carbonated goodness, and giggling from the feeling of sticky handfuls of blue cotton candy melting on a matching blue tongue. And when that baseball game is being played at an open-air field you haven’t yet visited, you snatch up your Twins baseball hats and tees, and head to Minneapolis for a perfect summer game.
I’ve grown up watching the Minnesota Twins play under the roof of the Metrodome, so sitting outside for a game was completely new. As soon as we walked into the stadium, I told Pete it just felt like baseball.
Ella & I explored the stadium together, drifting up and down on the escalators to other levels. Before returning to our seats, she excitedly picked out a bag of tri-colored cotton candy.
Even in the Ergo, Sam scrambled to get a hold of our big ol’ cup of Diet Dew. (remember the value of diet dew in my family?) After every sip, he got the most adorable, thrilled grin across his face. Then he’d dive after the cup for another sip.
We may have been witness to two grand slams by the other team, but it couldn’t have prevented us from having a perfect afternoon of summer baseball!
And look! My brother Jake was able to join us! Can’t wait for another trip to see the Twins at Target Field!
I realized this weekend that there’s nothing like celebrating Mother’s Day when knee-deep in the real-life feelings of being a mama. I took the kids to La Crosse for a dear friend’s wedding. In mama-planning fashion, I packed our bags, downloaded a new movie and a few educational games on the iPad, carefully planned snacks, and put the kids in cozy clothes for the long drive. Google Maps told me it would be four hours. Google Maps doesn’t travel with kids, though, when four hours can easily turn into six. A quick potty stop can turn into a full-blown meltdown with a mess of cookies from head to toe, a potty accident, and an exploded diaper soaking through all layers of clothing and filling a car seat. Does it sound like I’ve been through it before? Heck yes, I have. More than once. So I’ve learned to tack on an extra hour or two to any Google Maps ETA.
We actually managed to avoid any major catastrophes on the trip down. We did not, however, avoid major road construction. One detour added a complete hour to our driving time. Score one for the mama who really did leave two hours early! By the time we got to La Crosse, we were able to stop at the hotel to change into wedding clothes and curl Ella’s hair. I made sure to allow more extra time between the hotel and wedding site, which was good since we hit another detour! We eventually made it to the wedding hotel, squeaked into the last available parking space, and ran inside as the clock struck 4:30. Hot dang, mama! We made it!
Despite the hour-plus of detours, I felt pretty on top of my game as we walked in for the ceremony. Before we entered the ceremony room, Ella spotted the bride, looking absolutely gorgeous in hear silk, beaded dress. After examining her for a moment, Ella turned to me with a deeply sad expression before saying, “You know why I’m crying, Mama? It’s because she’s so beautiful!” Oh, Ella. So sweet and so overly dramatic. Exactly how I love you.
We quietly took a few of the open seats near the back of the room where my parents, my brother, and his wife sat. A sense of accomplishment coursed through me as I sat, quite put-together, and pulled out crackers for Sam at the exact moment he began getting antsy. My hair was carefully curled and I was wearing a new dress that was perfect for the occasion.
And then it hit. First it was Ella desperately needing to go to the bathroom. Then, I realized I had an enormous hole and multiple runs down the front of my nylons. A moment later, Sam filled his diaper and stunk up the back few rows of seats. And then, as we were standing at the end of the ceremony, Sam caught his little hand in the front of my never-worn-before dress and ripped a big hole in the top layer right across my chest. I escaped quickly to the bathroom, but there wasn’t a lot I could do to fix it. I tried, but it ended up looking a bit like a superhero emblem. Appropriate, perhaps, for how I was feeling after getting my kids to the wedding on time, but not quite the look for a wedding. Before you say it doesn’t look that bad, I’ll tell you that it looks much better in the picture than it did in real life.
The cardigan wasn’t quite the right size to button up, but it had to pull through for the occasion. It did just fine, I thought, and I simply looked like I was wearing all black the rest of the night. Until Sammy’s little food-covered hands spread dinner down one shoulder, but I honestly didn’t care by that point. And you know what? We all had a great time! I got to sit with my family and laugh and dance and watch Ella run with the other kids and do the chicken dance with the bride and groom, and I completely enjoyed it.
When it started getting late, we all drove to our hotel in Winona for a big ol’ slumber party. Ella was thrilled. After she finally fell asleep, so was I. When I woke Sunday morning, I was sharing a bed with the girl who made me a mama nearly five years ago and my own mama was in the other bed. A perfect start to Mother’s Day. And then my mom handed me this, and I was practically in heaven.
Diet Mountain Dew. In a Super 8 paper cup. Cheap joy right there, baby. Diet Dew has always been the drink of my family. Not just my immediate family, I mean my entire extended family. We even had it specially served at our wedding. My mom poured me a cup first thing that morning, and we were really celebrating. Then we all went down for continental breakfast.
Ella loves hotel breakfasts!
She then presented her Mother’s Day present for Nana – a stepping stone she made all by herself. I might need to have her make one for me, too. I love it!
We packed up and parted ways shortly after breakfast. The weather was near 70, which we couldn’t get enough of, so we sat right down in the parking lot to enjoy it a bit longer.
As a little Mother’s Day treat to myself, I took the kids to Target so I could buy new earrings before meeting up with friends.
How handsome is this little guy in his bow tie?!
After Target, we headed back to the wedding hotel to meet up with my dear friends, the Larsons. They are the reason I was so excited for the weekend. Jen Larson and I were absolutely best friends all through high school. We hung out at each others houses like they were our own and often called the others mom Mom. Because we’ve both moved a lot since high school and having babies and changing jobs and what not, Jen and I had not seen each other in ten years! Two years ago she was even in Duluth but you know what I was doing? Having a baby! Yes, that very night, the only few hours she was able to spend in Duluth I just happened to be in labor with Sam, so I didn’t get to see her. As soon as I got the invitation to her younger sister’s wedding, I cleared my calendar and set up plans to make it happen, because I was definitely going to see her this time. And I did! Jen, her mom, and her little sister, Amy, and their middle sister (the bride) Kendra, oogled over Ella & Sam all Sunday afternoon.
Jen just sent me this photo, the one that will hang next to our high school picture that still has a spot in my parent’s camper. I put it up when I lived in their old camper for a summer during college. They even moved it to their new camper when they traded up a couple years ago. I will surely be planning a trip to northern California before our move to Kenya! And Jen, you can always visit us in the warmth of Africa.
Such a great weekend could not be ruined by a terribly long drive home. Sam was not happy in his car seat. He made it known every time I tried buckling him in. I was stuck between continuing to drive so we could get home sooner or stopping to give him a break every now and then. I kind of went half and half. Next week our little guy will be getting a forward-facing car seat! I think that will change long rides for him. I’m excited to see him in a big seat!
I hope you had a very good Mother’s Day, whether it was a day to celebrate you or to celebrate another mama in your life. I was so happy to hug my own mom on her special day!
at the Minnesota State Fair with my mom & Mama Bex in early 2000s
Happy Mother’s Day, friends! I’m so happy that I got to see my very own mama this morning. We traveled to a wedding yesterday and had a big old slumber party at a hotel together last night. So fun to be served a cold cup of Diet Dew in a paper hotel cup right out of bed this morning by my mom. We always drink Diet Dew together, no matter the hour. A perfect start to the day!
As I prepare to travel the four hours (or possibly six – depending on the kids) back to Duluth today, I wantd to share a few fun moments I’ve had with my mom. There are so many more photos I’d like to post, but I’m on my iPad this morning, and I’ve only got access to a few options. Nonetheless, these are special.
before my wedding – 2007
with a brand new Ella – 2009
four generations
Minnesota State Fair with Ella
with Ella when Sam was born – 2012
Nana & a wee Sammy
with my brother at is wedding a year ago. Isn’t she beautiful?
To all of you mamas – in whatever way you happen to be a mama – I hope you get to enjoy today. Sending my love to you!
Today when I picked Miss Ella up from preschool, she urgently informed me I needed to see something in her lunch bag. I typically require she put on her seat belt before pulling anything out (this mama’s way of combating pokiness), but I could tell this was different. She dug through her bag and produced a sealed Ziploc bag with the following items enclosed:
Can I tell you how hard it was not to laugh on the spot?! This note is adorable! My blonde-hair beauty has never taken a scissor to her hair, but it does seem like an inevitable rite of passage for every little girl, so today was our day. I calmly asked her to buckle into her seat while I ran over to my friend, Amy, who was managing her boys. We had a pretty good laugh together. My sweet Ella has one little spot on the right side of her head where her hair is about an inch long. Fortunately, it blends in for the most part. While analyzing the situation together in the car, Ella and I decided that we’ve learned two lessons today. One, only Mommy or the stylist can use a scissor in her hair. And two, we shouldn’t always do what our friends tell us. Lessons learned. And I’m keeping this memento forever.
When we found our {soon to be} beautiful vintage camper, Beatrice, last fall, I told myself I wouldn’t start shopping for decorations and such until spring. Well friends, it may not look a bit like spring outside in these parts, but according to the calendar, I’ve reached the golden hour! Yesterday, I walked up and down every isle in a local antique shop searching for treasure. Through the winter months, I fed my camper giddiness by pinning inspiring images on my camper Pinterest board. Beatrice won’t have a ton of space, so I want to be pretty intentional about what we get. On my first thrifting trip, this is what I found:
Three stainless steel canisters (flour, coffee, tea); a white enamelware pot; four plastic cups (never used); two hot pad holders; nine vintage Minnesota & Lake Superior postcards; one Little Golden Book. It is my vision to hang the postcards around the bottom bunk windows. Earlier today, I also found two vintage, handmade quilts for two of the beds and a big, newer quilt for the table that turns into a bed. Our primary colors will be red & teal, so I’m doing my best to stick to those colors while finding other vintage pieces that mix well with them.
Currently, Beatrice is still at the shop getting a little work done. We’ve had to halt work for a bit while we figure out how much time and money we want to put into her renovations. We did sell our motorcycles, so we’re using that money to do the work. But how much do we want to put into fixing the old roof for now? Whatever the decision, we’ll get to use her all summer, even if summer seems so far away!
Today, little man Sam got his very first pair of big boy shoes. The two of us had such fun shopping for them. It was a little tricky because we needed a pair that would fit over his new ankle supports (Sure Steps) and also had a bit of a flexible sole. In the end, it really just came down to this one pair, and I think they’re pretty adorable. Don’t they look like little Cookie Monster skater shoes?
Sam is getting really good at army crawling and still rolls all over. We’re working on actually getting him up on his hands & knees, but at the moment it makes him pretty upset. His Sure Steps will help support his ankles so he doesn’t have to put as much energy and effort into keeping his feet in line when he’s trying to stand. Then he’ll be able to use his energy in the rest of his body to stay upright. We’re excited to see what progress he makes after this!
Look, Mom! New kicks!
We are currently in the midst of another snow storm and school has just been canceled for tomorrow. Therefore, we’ll be huddled inside to play! As pretty as it is, I’m hoping this is the last storm of the winter. I’m ready to get this spring in motion!
What’s your favorite thing to do on a snow day?