We recently were visited by my dear friend, Shauna, and her two-year-old daughter, Bella. We love when they visit! The girls are adorable together. Do you remember the hi conversation? After playing for a while at the house, we went walking through Canal Park. It was a beautiful day. We can’t wait to see our two friends again soon!
Today is October 1! That means I get to bake again! I’m seriously considering extending the no baking just a bit, though, because it really does help with the whole nutrition thing. However, it’s apple season and we’re hoping to pick arm loads of apples in Bayfield this weekend, so it’s going to be tough to make it last much longer. Apple pies, apple crisp, apple butter. Yum yum yum.

the apple butter sounds yummy and so does apple pie and crisp but my MIL cooks so much of it that i get sick of apple stuff.. she has an apple tree and cooks and freezes apple pie for year round. Let’s just say i eat anything but apple stuff when i’m out since i get way to much of it at home. Have fun baking! and way to stick with ‘no backing til 10/1’ !