At the end of September, I celebrated another birthday here in Duluth. My parents visited the day before and we spent a lovely afternoon by the lake opening presents, eating pumpkin pie, and watching the little girls play. Here are a few belated pictures of the day.
Miss Malena & I got to hang out on the deck of the 1st Street clinic building while Mama Bex had a baby appointment. (Ella was at home with Daddy.) We found out that morning that she’ll be having another little girl! Yay team pink! Mama Bex is due the first week of February.
After lunch at The Anchor (what better place is there to celebrate?! see pics here) we found a sunny spot by the harbor to hang out for the afternoon.
This is the lovely apron my mom found for me. Isn’t it great? I’ve used it many times already.
For supper we grabbed a great big pizza in town and drove up the shore. Pete, Ella, Grandma & Grandpa Scott and I hung out there until it got dark. Look! These two girlies match!
It was a great day of celebrating. Next year we’ll really have to hype things up for the big 3-0. I can’t believe I’m that close already! I’m actually really looking forward to it. A lot has happened in my 20s but I have high hopes for the next decade. One more year to live it up. I’m so ready.

Great apron!