Oh me, oh my! The time does fly! It feels like such a long while since I’ve had the opportunity to sit down at the computer and blog. Or to do anything at the computer, for that matter. It’s true, we just moved into our new house in Duluth and settling is going quite well. The hard part of the move occurred before our two-week Minnesota hiatus, but all the unpacking has been during the last week. We’re so happy to be out of boxes now and to be surrounded by a cozy, beautifully painted home on the East Side. Soon we’ll even have internet! For now, I’m nestled in a chair at Caribou in Canal while I catch up on the world of the web.
For all who have not heard, our two weeks away were spent on a road trip to the East Coast. A few months ago, Pete & I pulled out our atlas and debated locations for this year’s vacation for a good two or three weeks. We’ve already been to the West Coast, so that was out. We considered driving down the Mississippi to New Orleans, but a majority of that trip would have been in the car, and we had no idea how Ella would do with that. Besides, how fair would it be to keep her buckled in her rear-facing seat for so many hours? Not a lot to see that way. We’ll save that trip for a future motorcycle adventure. We then considered driving to Banff and staying in the mountains. But then Maine came to mind and we quickly decided that the East Coast would be a perfect destination for our first family trip. We rented a cozy, fully-furnished cottage on the shore, planned our route, and packed our bags (while packing the rest of the apartment).
So, now that I have a little internet time, I’ll work on catching up. Sorry for falling so far behind! Well, here we go…