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Our Girl in the Goal

Over the weekend, we got to cheer on our girl and her team as they battled to the top and took first place at what was Ella’s first ever soccer tournament. We are so proud! Not only because the girls played hard and won, but because they showed real character when things got tough and held their heads up even when decisions didn’t go their way.

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Mindful Motherhood

I recently had the privilege to join my sweet friend, Maggie, to record an episode for her podcast Mindful Motherhood. Maggie shares mindfulness exercises and interviews moms on a wide range of topics. Our time together focused on being the mom of a child with special needs. Maggie has a little girl with significant special needs, so we were able to dig into our experiences together.

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Photo Friday

It’s been a good while since I’ve posted for Photo Friday! I’m not doing as much on Instagram these days, so I thought it’d be fun to share these here.

Top row: Sammy ready for his haircut! / Ella’s new hamster / Ella getting her free ice cream after a soccer game
Middle row: a pic on Zoom of our duet during Ella’s recital / Sammy & Mama / Sam’s first fish on his own pole!
Bottom row: Daddy’s recent catch / Ella and her new pole a few blocks from our house / Mom & Dad on a date

I’ll be sharing a link early next week to an interview I recently had on a sweet friend’s podcast. I’d love for you to hear it!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!


A Trip Through Diagon Alley

One of our favorite people came to Florida for a visit in early February. Anton is Ella’s godfather and we LOVE when we get to spend time with him! Ella has been working through the Harry Potter books (currently on book 4), and Anton is a big fan of the series, so we thought it would be really special for all of us to go to The Wizarding World at Universal Studios.

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Live from The Sunshine State

Hey, friends! It’s been a minute since my last post. (Do I sound fresh using that phrase? I got it from the younger crowd. Let’s face it, I’m not in the younger crowd anymore. So yes, I borrowed a phrase from Instagram posts and from what I’ve heard in a few conversations with those I do consider in the younger crowd. I know admitting that makes me sound even older, but hey, I’m okay with that! And no, I’ve never used the phrase in real life. Should I?)

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Our Address Is About to Change

Last November, I attended an IEP meeting with Sam’s teachers to evaluate how far he’d progressed the previous year and to set new goals for the coming school year. Sam had been in public school for one year since our move back from Kenya. I had seen a lot of progress in his learning and skills at home, but I wasn’t sure what his teachers would say. In the meeting, I learned that he was doing really well in every area! He met nearly all the goals we set for his kindergarten year and was excited about learning. I left that meeting feeling so proud of Sam and incredibly thankful that we were able to be in a place to give him what he needed to grow and learn.

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