Today, Crystal shares beautiful words about about her adorable little Aiden (who is 28 months old), the day she met him, and the emotions that followed. You can follow Crystal and Aiden on Instagram as @bigbrotherbesos.
When did you find out your son had Down syndrome?
My husband and I found out at birth that Aiden had Down syndrome. It was a complete surprise! I was actually still lying on the operating table (from an emergency caesarean) when a NP approached us and told us that Aiden showed characteristics of Down syndrome. We were in shock. Complete shock.
What were some of the emotions you had when you got the news?
All I could think of at the time we received the news was how society would perceive Aiden. In fact, I cried the exact words, “I just do not want him to be made fun of,” to my husband. I felt sad. I even felt afraid. But at that moment what mattered to me the most, as his mama, was that he was alive.
Over the twelve days following his birth I grieved hard. I grieved for the life that my son might have because of what was being said to us. Instead of congratulating us nurses would say, “I’m sorry.” Lactation consultants would say, “Down syndrome babies can’t breastfeed.” My OB even said that Aiden may never go to college or marry. I refused to believe those things because I did not appreciate that these limitations were being placed upon my newborn son. I knew deep down in my heart that Aiden was all a part of God’s plan for our family. God orchestrated his birth so perfectly. When Aiden was born (three weeks early) our parents, our siblings, and even our pastors were out of town. We had each other. We had our time alone to process it all. It still amazes me to this day. Thankfully, after seeking God for strength and guidance, both my husband and I agreed that all we needed to do was to be the best mom and the best dad we could be to Aiden.
The most wonderful part of knowing Aiden is…
Knowing he was made in the image of God. Aiden has taught us how to love with a deeper love. He has taught us how to be more compassionate about others, especially those with special needs. He has taught us how to advocate respectfully on his behalf. He has taught us how to celebrate his accomplishments, big or small, and to appreciate the determination it took to get there. He has taught us more than we realize and continues to teach us new things every day.
Click below to read all the stories from Down Syndrome Awareness Month!
Photo Friday is a little glimpse at our week in pictures. (This time on a Saturday!) To see more,
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