Monthly Archives: February 2011

A Valentine For You!

Ella’s been working hard on her valentines!

This one is for you!

We’ve been incredibly blessed in the last year through lots of amazing friendships, so it’s fun to take a special day like Valentines Day to think about all the people we really love. We know we wouldn’t be the people we are without you, so thank you. You deserve this valentine!

“We love because He first loved us.”
1 John 4:19


Recipe: Berry Custard Pie

Feel like sneaking a taste of summer in the middle of a bitterly cold winter? This yummy pie is a perfect way to do just that. I discovered this berry custard pie recipe on Martha Stewart’s website a couple weeks ago and have fallen in love with it.
The original recipe called for fresh raspberries, but fresh raspberries are expensive around here this time of year. The first time I made it, I used a pound of frozen blackberries. On Thursday this week I made four more to serve at a class at church and used a lovely triple berry mix of frozen blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. Experiment with what you like! In my book, it’s hard to go wrong with berries. Yum.

Start with a regular crust. You can use my no-fail crust recipe (follow the complete baking instructions on the bottom of the post) or buy a pre-made crust. I’ve done it both ways. If you buy your crust, go for the frozen, deep-dish variety and bake it on your own. This was actually the first time I’ve used a store bought crust, and I was fairly happy with the end result. I definitely recommend making your own when possible, but don’t feel bad if you prefer to buy yours. You’ll still end up with a pie!

If you use frozen berries, it’s best to thaw them first and drain the extra juice. Then follow the recipe below.

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
1 cup heavy cream
1 pound (3 1/2 cups) berries
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk flour and 1/2 cup sugar in a medium bowl. Add egg and cream and whisk to combine. Toss berries, remaining 1/4 cup sugar and salt in a medium bowl. Spoon berries into crust, then pour in cream mixture, filling to just below the rim.

Bake until custard is set but still a bit wobbly in the center, about 45 minutes. Let cool in dish on a wire rack. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Garnish with fresh berries and serve cold.

I can’t wait until I can swing in to the farmers’ market this summer for fresh berries. In the meantime, this is the perfect taste of summer.



Uncle Jake's Influence

Today it’s his shoes and aviators. I can’t even imagine what it will be a year from now when she’s talking. I guess that’s what uncles are for!


What a Game!

Yay Packers! What a team! We had a blast watching the game with a couple friends and their son, who was impressively knowledgeable about football for being just 7. They’re pretty big Packers fans so we were appropriately surrounded by Packers’ helmets, blankets, hats, party plates, and, of course, a cheese head hat.

Ella cheered for our team as long as she could. Then she happily settled into her Pack n Play to watch Backyardigans in a neighboring room. She came out for the very end of the game to cuddle with Daddy and see her team win the Super Bowl!


Go Packers!

We’re ready to cheer! Ella has been practicing her “go go” all week. This morning at church she was pretty proud to show it off. Hopefully her cheer dress will bring good luck!

In case you’re curious, Ella is half Wisconsin/half Minnesotan. Hence the Packer pride today!


Daddy's Favorite Christmas Gift

the point is that she feels free. and she loves it!

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