Miss Ella Turns Eight

Just ten days after arriving in Kenya, our Ella celebrated her eighth birthday. She had been talking for the entire year before about having her birthday here, so we were incredibly happy that it happened! We marked the occasion with a little party on our porch. She invited three other girls whose parents also work at the hospital. They began by indulging in the first batch of cupcakes I’ve made since arriving in country. Just after that, I handed my phone over to the birthday girl who chose a mix of Taylor Swift and the Trolls soundtrack for a very exuberant dance party. I stood in the kitchen doorway, playing the part of a fly on the wall, and laughed over their shrieks and girly outbursts. My Ella really is her own spunky, energetic, witty, super theatrical girl! Once the girls slowed down a bit after their first round of dancing, they sat on the floor and let me paint their nails. Then I was back on the sidelines. It amazes me that we’ve reached this point. Ella wants to do everything on her own, with her friends, often without me. Eight years old. What a year this is going to be!

The day before her party, on her actual birthday, Pete and I surprised Ella with a new unicorn shirt from Vicarious Clothing and a skunk birthday card I found months before at Hobby Lobby. It’s not every day one can actually find a card with a skunk, but for this girl, it was absolutely perfect. Her favorite animal!

Even Sam signed it.

This was a special birthday, indeed. The first of us to celebrate in Kenya! And, as I hear every single day, I now have an eight year old. Be still, Time. You move far too quickly.

Happy birthday, Ella!


5 Responses to Miss Ella Turns Eight

  1. Jill Lekatz says:


  2. Anna Tucker Murphy says:

    Thank you for allowing Gracie to be a part of the celebration! She had a blast! Your family is a wonderful addition to Tenwek. Your kind, warm, joyous, and welcoming personalities will be a blessing!!! I’m so excited for your involvement in the special needs clinic. Looking forward to hearing how God will continue to use your precious family❤

  3. Michael Scott says:

    Happy Birthday Ella Bella!! Love, Papa!!

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