Meet Dex & Gus



I had planned on sharing these brothers tomorrow, but when I was scrolling through Facebook this morning, I discovered that four years ago TODAY Dex became a part of his forever family! I can’t resist celebrating with the Noel family! So today we’re hearing from Elizabeth, mama to five-year-old Dex and one-month-old Gus. You can find Elizabeth on Instagram as @enoel83. Thank you for sharing with us on this special day, Elizabeth!


What are a few things your boys thoroughly enjoy doing?
Gus likes to sleep and be held. Dex loves swimming, singing, watching movies, playing musical instruments, and being outside.

What would they do if they could design their own day?
Dex would play outside, go swimming, eat at Chick-fil-a, watch a movie, eat Cheez-Its and play music with Daddy. Gus would eat and sleep on mommy all day.


Who do Dex love spending time with?
Mommy and Daddy, his best friend Ann-Margret and her siblings, Mim and Poppa (his grandparents)

What is something you want everyone to know about your boys?
They are made perfectly in God’s image. I wouldn’t change one thing about either of them. They are everything I never knew I wanted. They are the sweetest, snuggliest boys ever!


What is the most wonderful part of knowing them?
Seeing them learn and grow. We celebrate every milestone that they meet no matter when they meet them. We have learned that the little things are the big things with them.

What is something you don’t think many people know about Down syndrome?
People with Down syndrome are capable of doing anything that a “typical” person can do – they may take a little longer to do it, but they will work their tails off until they achieve their goals!



Check back tomorrow as we continue celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month or click below to read all of our previous posts.









2 Responses to Meet Dex & Gus

  1. Somer says:

    Really dumb question, but did they adopt both boys? I ask because we have have a 4 year old with Ds and a 2 year old who is typical and we’ve always been interested in adopting a child with Ds. Curious to know (if they did) how the process went.

    • Not a dumb question! They did adopt both boys. Are you on instagram? You can find her there. If not, you can send me a message on the contact page here on my blog with your email address and I can connect you with her. I have another family coming up this month who had one child with Down syndrome and then adopted another. We are very open to the possibility in the future, too! 🙂

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