
DSAM Caleb

2015-08-25 10.40.06

Meet Caleb! This darling boy is 20 months-old. Today his mom, Kate, answers a few questions about a few of her experiences since her son was born. You can find Kate on Facebook and as @MKLMC_H on Instagram. She is currently a part of a beautiful project right now featuring 31 beautiful people who have Down syndrome. Check out her Instagram feed for more info!

When did you find out Caleb had Down syndrome?
We found out at birth, within about 15 minutes the Dr. told us and it was confirmed 5 days later.

What were some of the emotions you had when you got the news?
Sadness because I felt the future might not be as promising as you hope for a child.

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What is Caleb’s favorite food? What does he like to do?
He loves pizza and playing with balls and bubbles.

What have been good resources for you to learn more about Down syndrome?
Social Media and local connections

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What is something that has surprised you about Down syndrome or knowing someone with Down syndrome?
How much Caleb can actually achieve and how our lives are MUCH more joyful with Caleb in it!

If someone you knew was told their baby would be born with Down syndrome, what would you tell them?
You are one of the “lucky few” and it will be more than alright!  Use the resources available to you. Early intervention really does work.

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Caleb’s red shirt is from Group Hug Apparel, a company created by Andrew, an amazing young man who happens to have Down syndrome.

Click below to read all the stories from Down Syndrome Awareness Month!



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